Thursday 10 September 2020

71 ace attorney 6 - wrapping up investigation for the day

Dear Readers,

Princess Rayfa and I headed back to Tehm'puhl Temple where Ahlbi greeted us and asked if we were finished our investigation for today. I said pretty much and invited him to go over with me what we learned so far.

I brought up the letter and wondered why Lady Kee'ra would want to stop the rite. It would help establish a motive, but I didn't have enough information on this lead yet.

Rayfa smiled at my complete lack of evidence and offered me one last chance to pull out before I got charged under the DC Act. She at least acknowledged that I didn't tamper with any evidence.

I told her I would still prove Maya's innocence within the confines of the law. She asked me how I could be so sure and I said it was because of my undying faith in my clients, which I said was a lawyer's greatest weapon.

She thought for a moment before she harrumphed. She said her insights this time will be the very truth itself. Before leaving, she said tomorrow shall end with me under the headsman's axe.

I thought of her Séances and the fact that I was the only hope in this country for Maya as well as for lawyers. I made a determined anime-like vow to myself that I will do this!

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