Sunday 5 September 2021

17 steamworld dig - finding the metal detector

Dear Readers,

I went back into Vectron and explored cave I. Inside were passages that led to a new ability, the Metal Detector!

The passages were full of bomb wielding robots, dynamite zombies and laser sentries but they were good at blowing each other up. It was a just a matter of navigating to the new ability.

The Metal Detector reveals the locations of materials on the map as purple spots! Very handy!

I continued exploring and up ahead were a lot of laser obstacles. I had to navigate a dangerous path to some kind of weird generator thing block that also showed up on the map. I punched it out and the lasers vanished.

I was able to leave now but there were still materials to uncover here. I ran out of light so I left anyway.

On the way back to town I dug so many materials I couldn't see before that I ran out of room. I continued back to town.

Lola said to take care of my steam-heart, even though I was finding some amazing new stuff. Cranky commented on my new gadget and said it had nothing to do with steam and he called it electricity. Biff was as encouraging as ever for me to keep digging, even though I was finding weird stuff. Dorothy wondered about what was living down there. Dandy was too.

I decided to upgrade the pouch to gigantic and humongous, which was Biff's final upgrade for the pouch. I was about to find a lot more stuff so I wanted to prepare!

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