Wednesday 15 September 2021

27 steamworld dig - the last laser generator punched

Dear Readers,

The map indicated I go down all the way to cave III of the Old World, so I went down there and inside.

After punching out some bottle throwers I found an amusing pattern of minerals in the shape of an arrow. I followed it and the arrow on the map after gathering the minerals and beyond a treacherous path with bouncy mushrooms and green goo to a new cave.

Inside was a path laden with green goo, bottle throwers, laser sentries and disintegrating regenerating blocks. I navigated my way through it all to get to the laser generator. I took it out with a good charged punch.

That was all the generators. I left this cave within a cave and out that cave as well to drop all the way down to Vectron. Then I took the pipe back to town.

In town they didn't have much else to say except to wish me well on what was through this new door beyond the decommissioned lasers.

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