Sunday 26 September 2021

7 steamworld dig 2 - exploring the windy plains

Dear Readers,

I took a bold brave notion to explore the area beyond the town! It was called the Windy Plains. I thought, why not indulge in that spirit of exploration? That Metroidvania spirit?

The story wasn't telling me to go this way yet so I felt a bit wary that it might be more difficult. I took it handy.

I climbed down slowly and met crawly enemies and cacti. I also found my second cave in the cliff face, but didn't feel brave enough to explore yet. I continued outside and reached the bottom. There was a pool of water here and the way further right that went right out into the desert.

Also they lived up to their name of being windy. The wind pushed me back and I had to be careful not to end up being blown into cacti. I kept going on and on until I came across an impassable wall for now. I found a cog here. I decided to turn back and head to town.

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