Tuesday 14 September 2021

26 steamworld dig - one-punching the bottle throwing enemies

Dear Readers,

I returned to the Old World to find the generator there. I got a little distracted though!

I explored around for materials of course. It was really fun to dig through the blocks at a much faster rate now.

My absolute favourite thing though was to punch those ugly bottle throwers in the face with my upgraded fists and put them flying with ease! It felt amazing.

I was having so much fun I almost died from the other hazards like the explosions and green goo. I also ran out of room for minerals so I returned to town to cash in and buy the Damage Reduction. I definitely need it for this game!

I also grinded my health back by revisiting one of the older caves in this area to punch the zombie. Things are going really well now. I avoided the teleporters in case it overwrote the one in Vectron.

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