Sunday 19 September 2021

31 steamworld dig - upgraded to the max

Dear Readers,

I went back to Vectron and scooped out lots of treasure and glowing orbs. I now have enough orbs for all the upgrades in the game so I don't have to worry about them anymore.

I went back to town to buy the Uber Armour from Dandy.

It's really fun finding these treasures and going into the caves and finding the secret areas. The enemies aren't much of a worry now. It feels very much like going for all the stuff in Metroid.

I also find that I'm looking at the map mostly when I'm looking for these upgrades. I'd rather look at a zoomed out abstraction of the area and the treasures rather than the pretty in-game play area. I love having an extra screen for maps and I'm going to miss it when playing newer games.

I did a bunch more digging and cashed in to buy the Plasma Lantern. I continued digging and obtained the Bottomless Tank. After that, I had all the upgrades!

I dug some more back in Uncle Joe's first mine. I also saw a block in Vectron I couldn't reach. I decided for the first time ever to use the ladders I bought. I was able to reach it then. It was just fun looking for treasure now.

After all this I beat the game again by fighting Voltbot. The stats on the bottom screen were a little different. There were gold sheriff stars by the treasure and orbs and bronze ones by the total deaths and time.

Looking at the cut scene where the townspeople were remembering me and then looking at me on this credits screen with the blue electronic eyes makes me wonder what the story is with me now? Am I a ghost? Am I the next manifestation of Voltbot? I wonder if these questions will be answered in the sequel, which I'm gonna start soon.

Another thing I like about this game is the brevity of dialogue. No one says too much in this game. It feels like a conscious effort was made to make the dialogue functional and have the dramatic impact it needs without being too wordy.

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