Sunday 12 September 2021

24 steamworld dig - the cave guarded by huge lasers

Dear Readers,

I returned to Vectron. The caverns were so big now I was still finding loads of materials by the time I got to digging again. I eventually found a cave at 837m and went inside.

This cave was a nice small area with lasers and bomb enemies. Not an awful lot to deal with and fun to clear out once the enemies and lasers were destroyed.

Soon after exiting this cave, I found another teleporter and important cave to the right, which was a very nice find altogether! Usually they're very separate!

I was able to access the teleporter but not the cave, which was blocked by two big lasers. I had to return to town where they had stuff to say.

Lola still wondered how Uncle Joe was able to do all what I did on his own.

Dorothy said that cave might have what I was looking for. She thought maybe the three generators powering those lasers were in the upper layers as well.

Cranky said maybe Uncle Joe wanted me to open the cave and kept it closed to hide something horrible inside.

Biff thought maybe that cave hid unimaginable riches. He was encouraging in any case, as usual.

I went back and noticed that one of the lasers was off. It must've been one of the laser generators I broke earlier.

The map was encouraging me to leave from Vectron and go all the way back to Uncle Joe's mine so I did. There was a red mark on the map there so I went down to it.

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