Wednesday 8 September 2021

20 steamworld dig - discovering the static jump

Dear Readers,

While digging in Vectron, I found many unbreakable obstacles that drop down on top of you if you dug under them. I soon found that there were ones that fell upwards! It was indicated by the lit chevrons which way they were gravitationally inclined. This was a fresh new obstacle I had to be careful with.

I found a cave at 673m and went inside. immediately I faced three laser sentries trying to blast through blocks at me. I treaded carefully and took them all out. I dug down and found many regenerating blocks and enemies hiding some materials. I dug them up and got back out safely.

I dug down further and discovered cave II at 690m. I went inside and faced a lot of ruthless lasers clearing blocks to make huge gravity blocks fall every which way to crush me! Thankfully, these cave levels are a bit more lenient when you get a game over.

I navigated my way through all the danger and found a new static jump ability, which gives me a mid-air jump powered by electricity. I was able to combine it with the steam jump to escape from this chamber.

I explored the rest of this cave and broke the laser generator. I saw many spots I just couldn't reach with my digging tools because of the obstacles that were definitely not soil based. I'll have to come back when I get yet more new stuff.

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