Monday 27 September 2021

8 steamworld dig 2 - finding the first artifact

Dear Readers,

inside the first cave I found there was an artifact! it was the Amulet of Baal Ahdahli-Dihla. I also discovered walls you can't climb. That's going to be a real pain. The first game didn't have anything like these...

I dug all the way down to the target and opened the tube to Red Rock Passage! I travelled back to town after the sprite suggested using dynamite. I ignored its hopes that I would blow myself up too.

I took the tube back to town and the mayor complained he never authorised the reopening of the tubes. His ma told him to bolt his jaw and said they were the best way to move around the mine. I said the passage caved in from all the earthquakes and he said I couldn't prove that. I said I'd need explosives either way to clear it all out. Ma suggested going to Burster's Mining Station and marked it on my map. I could get explosives there. The mayor didn't like the idea but was still on board with regards to ore mining. Ma said she had to clear the passage a few times herself.

Davy gave me a blueprint and offered more if I kept finding more artifacts. This one I was able to install a cog in order to see enemy HP when fighting them. I could also remove the cog for something else if I wanted. Handy...

I upgraded my pack to the Shrewhide Pack and again to the Bag of Holding. I'm expecting to haul a lot of stuff.

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