Monday 13 September 2021

25 steamworld dig - back to uncle joe's mine

Dear Readers,

Going back to the earliest mining area in the game was nostalgic and also very warm and orange looking. Been spending a lot of time in the cold grey metallic Vectron so the contrast really hits home.

The map indicated I go to cave I of this area so I did, at 32m.

Inside this cave I was able to dig up the stuff I couldn't before and use the static jump to reach another new cave!

This new cave still looked like the first mine, but the enemies were more advanced. I had to do a steam jump while climbing to bypass the tricky laser blocks. After that, it was just a matter of loosening the way for the gravity blocks and I was able to destroy the laser generator. Got some nice "Secret Area!" notices when I uncovered materials I couldn't get to before. It was really easy now to uncover them too so it felt pretty good!

After this I returned to town and upgraded to the Super Armour at Dandy's. My health and water supply were now both at 7 blocks each.

The map then wanted me to explore the second mining area, the Old World or whatever it was called. I dug around in there for materials first because I wanted to level up again and I did. This time it was the maximum level and I unlocked the Damage Reduction at Dandy's. Very nice. I had to deal with exploding barrels and dynamite maniacs again of course.

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