Saturday 25 September 2021

6 steamworld dig 2 - finding my first cave

Dear Readers,

I finally got to do some serious digging. Lots of text and tutorials, but also with some advanced options to turn some stuff off. Some new mechanics too like the lamps, which have to be lit.

I dug up some stuff and took it to Barnacle Jones, who heard a rumour that the mayor closed the tubes himself to get back at his minerbot brothers. They hadn't been seen in a while and it was costing a lot without them for business.

The mayor was delighted I was mining and drawing up ore and encouraged me to continue and to spend my earnings in the city shops too. Ma Yonker advised to keep upgrading if I wanted to reach Red Rock.

I backtracked to Lady Botterley, who had utmost faith in the mayor to get the elevator fixed. I didn't see my local guy though. Wonder where he went?

I got back to digging and eventually found a cave. There's no value indicator that tells me how far I've dug like in the last game so I can't say how many metres down it is :( or at least I can't find it.

I ran out of light and the music changes when this happens! Kinda cool. I went back to town to cash in.

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