Tuesday 28 September 2021

9 steamworld dig 2 - discovering the pressure bomb

Dear Readers,

I dug my way to the cave to look for dynamite and went inside to explore. I found a new ability called the Pressure Bomb. It uses water and it's explosive. With this I was able to clear blocks I couldn't break with my pickaxe. I was also able to defeat enemies as well from a distance, which is very handy.

I went back to the Red Rock Passage and cleared it out with the explosive. I also found several cogs, which make a clinking noise when they're nearby. I'll need plenty of them!

I went back to town and told the mayor I cleared it. His ma told me to keep my equipment up to snuff. He was still more concerned about me finding ore than finding Rusty. His ma then said it should be clear mining all the way down to the protective wall. She reckoned Rusty may have fell down through one of the cracks. She suggested going to Mason's Station to find equipment I should find useful. The mayor said it was the one his idiot brothers walled in while laying brick. His ma then said to scout around and see if I could find my way around the brick. The mayor said to report any openings to him so he could seal them later.

The mark on my map was pretty far down, more than twice the amount I've dug already.

I could see that I could upgrade the Pressure Bomb as well. I upgraded my lamp to a Miner's Brite and installed a cog on the Larger Than Light mod which increases my lamp light radius.

Turtle Bucket had a tutorial about cogs I just kinda figured out.

Time for me to take a nap IRL! The town music is lovely and lulling. I'll get to more digging later.

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