Thursday 9 September 2021

21 steamworld dig - how did uncle joe dig this far?

Dear Readers,

When I got back to town with my new static jump, Lola said if all the add-ons were needed to dig that deep, how did Uncle Joe manage? I was wondering that myself...  and why did he end up near the surface with a basic pickaxe? I know it makes sense for the game at the start but at this point with all I needed to get this far it doesn't quite add up. She said I was like a new bot. Dorothy said I was more new parts than old by now as well.

I cashed in and unlocked the Unfathomable Tank and the Super Armour.

Cranky said technology itself wasn't dangerous, it was how it was used. He added that what was down there gave him the heebie jeebies. Biff said I had more of a look of a soldier about me than a miner and he knew the look because of his worldly travels.

I was excited at the prospect of the Unfathomable Tank and decided to upgrade my tank to Super at Biffs and then Unfathomable at Dandy's. It wasn't infinite, but 7 bars of water is pretty good. That's two ahead of my health so I'll prioritise that when I get more money.

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