Monday 31 January 2022

75 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - cabbage rolls for k&m, endgame strategy

Dear Readers,

After breaking a couple of SGX's jobs, I still had the regular jobs from K&M and Drake.

K&M talked about levelling up in an RPG today. They talked about being a hard worker, just like me right? I said yes to their prompt and they asked for 3 ingredients for cabbage rolls. I didn't want to get it wrong so I looked it up. Different places have different ideas on what they're made of. I needed minced beef, cabbage and an onion, so I got those and they were happy.

Drake had his 100 smogling shooting job so I took that on and got rid of them. I saw a silver trophy gleam but I didn't know if that meant it was new or not. I'm glad I have it anyway.

It's pretty much all about the trophies now. When I looked up a walkthrough for this game there weren't any written at all, just a forum on GameFAQs. It had lots of topics thankfully. There was stuff about three silhouette films and I needed to get the bronze, silver and gold trophies to get them all.

Sunday 30 January 2022

74 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - breaking sgx's terrible gambling jobs

Dear Readers,

I decided to concentrate fully on SGX's stupid gambling jobs just to get them over with.

The idea was to reload my save whenever I failed at something and to just brute force my way through getting trophies in the jobs.

I finally got a bronze in the distance test.

I finally got a gold in the second danger sensing test.

Both jobs took many tries and reloads.

SGX said he hoped I enjoyed playing his game and I said out loud I didn't. There was no prompt for it, I just said it out loud.

I am going to break every single one of his awful jobs until I get the gold in them.

At one point I thought maybe I had sussed the danger test by picking the box that didn't land last, but I'm not sure. I don't care to make sure either.

Saturday 29 January 2022

73 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking photos of the canvas bag and the slipper

Dear Readers,

I decided to draw and take pictures using the last two unique catalogue films I had left.

No.15, the shopping bag, was listed as the canvas bag when I uploaded it into the exhibit.

After this, Telly was typing something when Mr. Curator came into the office. Telly had rung him to come in and politely told him that he took the liberty of drawing up an invoice for his book. Telly whispered the amount in his ear and he got excited. He brought up the Galactica Café and talked about buying an entire chocolate gateau from there. Telly was surprised. Mr. Curator said he never had this much money before, so he wasn't sure what to do with it. Telly reminded him about the mortgage on this building and that got Mr. Curator thinking about the bills he had to pay. He laughed in a jolly way, but Telly wasn't so impressed.

No.18, the slipper, actually looked pretty cool as a pure white colour with a jagged edge pattern, even though it was just a line drawn on a blank canvas!

No story scene played out after this. I went to the exhibit room 8. Mr Curator said the canvas bag must've been powerful if it was able to protect the environment, which was pretty amusing. Also, the slipper looked really good and comfy! It doesn't have the back on it though, so if I were to wear it it would be flopping all over the place.

I think I'm pretty much at the endgame now. At this point I'm going to look up if there's anything else, if it's worth getting 100% accuracy in pictures, if it's worth getting the job trophies, doing any more cleaning, if there's any tricks to SGX's really awful guessing games, that kind of thing.

Friday 28 January 2022

72 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - pressing accelerate instead of brake

Dear Readers,

I took on the usual jobs again. This time from SGX, Moppi and Drake.

SGX had the same danger test again, and it was the old one! What gives? I failed all three stages of it.

Moppi's job went the same as last time. I lost the first one but this time it was because I pressed the wrong button to brake! Dang it! I had to sit through the cutscenes as well. Thankfully they're still fun but if I was doing this more often I'd be pretty mad at myself right now. I won the other two rounds. Still haven't met Moppi's second brother.

Drake had more smoglings for me to shoot. It was the basic one this time and I failed! I got 19 out of 20 of them! I still appreciated his message on how justice didn't fail but the evil was too strong.

Not a great day at work... There will be days like this of course though.

Thursday 27 January 2022

71 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - defeating 100 smoglings and building up an appetite for carbonara

Dear Readers,

Drake had a new job for me, so I decided to take it on!

This was about beating smoglings in the garden again but this time my Chibi-Blaster was fully automatic and I had to defeat 100 smoglings!

Combos be darned! I kept the fire button pressed and shot as many as I could. I got 100 with 16 seconds remaining, winning a silver trophy. Woo!

After that fun variation, I took on some regular jobs again.

K&M reminisced again about their time in Italy. They wanted two ingredients for Carbonara this time. This one I had to look up because I didn't want to fail. It needed an egg and bacon, and by bacon I mean the very square looking block of meat with hard edges. It's very easy to confuse this with the pork belly. Anyway they were delighted and they talked about how Carbonara was invented by carbonari, meaning charcoal workers. They took eggs and bacon with them to work and they cooked during lunch break. Very interesting to learn!

Wednesday 26 January 2022

70 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - racing against moppi and moppo

Dear Readers,

I had brand new jobs to do! One from a new character named Moppi, a new job from Drake, plus the usual jobs from K&M, Laroque and SGX.

I took on Moppi's job and I warped to a new area, the deck of a sailing ship! Very unexpected! Moppi, a green Gizmo looking gremlin thing drove up to me and said "Mopp!", a think they liked to say a lot. This job was about race car driving! The deck of the ship was laid out like a circuit. The idea of the job was to drive up to the chequered flag at the edge of the ship and stop close to it, like a game of chicken. Moppi simply wanted someone to race with.

The driving itself was just a cut scene and all I had to do was press A to go and B to stop when the time came for it. I failed the first attempt and drove straight off the edge. I won the second attempt.

Just then Moppi's brother, who had yellow fur, challenged me. I won against him as well. His name was Moppo and liked saying "Po!"

That was the competition won. I guess the last brother would appear if I succeeded in all the attempts. Next time I guess!

Also, I wasn't able to explore this new area. Aw... At least it was something new to see.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

69 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - mr. curator's nice new book!

Dear Readers,

I decided to take a photo with what looks like the last film in the catalogue.

No.37 sprouted a face with eyes and a mouth and became another character. It took on a wider circular shape that captured my mouse cursor when I was rubbing out the excess lines, so it looked like it had a square shaped pimple! It complained about bright lights too.

Next I decided to buy copies of the ones that failed and became NostalDuds. I bought No.12(gloves), No.15(shopping bag) and No.18(slipper) before taking pictures of them.

No.12 was indeed the glove and it was pretty tiring to trace out in MSPaint. I got it though and the blips that made it go 100% were satisfying. It also filled the exhibit room! Another exhibit room opened up too!

Mr. Curator came inside and he looked really sad. It was just a ruse though! He perked up and showed his book! He was actually really happy but played with us for a moment! His book had his picture on the cover and it looked really good! He laughed with joy and started talking about how much fun he had writing it. He went into too much detail though and it made Telly and me fall asleep.

I went to visit the newly filled Exhibition Room 7. Mr. Curator was there. He said he was in bed when he thought about the future. When he'll be long gone, what will the world be like? What will the people be like? He then wondered how he could get children to be excited about NostalJunk the way he was when he was a boy.

His idea was a pocket sized NostalJunk Camera that could... take photos of the past and make items appear for real for the museum? Huh? Isn't that what we've been doing all along? He said the technology didn't exist yet but he wanted to work towards it as his raison d'etre. I guess he wanted to make a pocket-sized one that anybody could use, including children.

When I got back to the office, I saw we now had 20,864 visitors. I didn't get a prize for passing 20,000 though?

Also, the new exhibit room has the usual five spaces but I only have two more photos to take? What makes up the other three? So many questions.

Monday 24 January 2022

68 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - fetching italian tricolour ingredients for margherita pizza

Dear Readers,

Today I had jobs from K&M, 2 from Drake and one from SGX.

K&M reminisced on their holiday in Italy and how they got sold in an auction. They wanted me to fetch three ingredients for margherita pizza. I saw more than one type of cheese but I chose the ball of mozzarella. I also picked the tomato and the basil leaf. They were delighted and commented on how the colours made the Italian tricolour! 

Drake's garden smoglings I defeated again. All 25 with a max combo of 14 and 12 seconds remaining. His other job was shooting balloons again. I got roughly the same score as usual. Lots of happy points though.

SGX had the usual awful distance guessing test. failed the first, got the next two right.

After this I bought No.37. I'll take pictures next time.

Sunday 23 January 2022

67 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking a picture of the robot

Dear Readers,

I saved up enough Happy Points to buy No.36, the cylinder shaped object. When I bought it, a new page opened in the catalogue and there was only one new film this time. No.37 was shaped like a fancy curved bottle or maybe a wide guitar case? It had that curvy shape anyway.

I took a picture of No.36 and it flipped its lid to reveal a face. Then it revealed arms and legs. It was a robot! I guess it's like one of the Transformers?

Many shapes turned out to transform into something else and this is creative but a bit strange. It further encourages me to draw the shapes out before identifying them. It might be fun to take pictures of real things later.

Saturday 22 January 2022

66 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - mr. curator's enormous manuscript

Dear Readers,

I had a brand new danger sense test(bleh) from SGX as well as the usual jobs from K&M, J Bear and Laroque.

SGX's text now had half the number of boxes and I had to smash at least 3 single boxes consecutively. It was a bit confusing to read about but in practice it was easier to understand as every time I smashed a box, that was a round. I succeeded and smashed 5! I even got a bronze trophy! I still hate this test so I was glad to get through it!

When I got back to the office I appeared face to face with a huge pile of papers. It was Mr. Curator's manuscript! He lifted the huge pile and said someone from the publisher was coming to take it. Telly told him to be careful. He looked pretty funny walking out of the office like that.

K&M were talking about the origins of cheese and asked me to fetch some Gorgonzola from the fridge. I didn't know what it looked like exactly, so I looked up a picture. It had these speckledy things in it so I found something that looked like it. They were delighted.

When I got back to the office, Telly was missing again! I found him in the same place next to the printer and his microchip was between the helicopter and the exhibition machine. I revived him. Why does this happen? What's going on? I don't have any explanation.

J Bear had the usual cleaning job for me. However, this time I had 200 Watts to play with! I managed to get everything done 100%! Joshy Bear was delighted and admired every spotless spot! I got a bronze trophy too!

When I got back to the office I had a film delivery from the stamp card promo. So much story stuff happened it took this long to get it!

Laroque had the same smogling bashing job for me. I got 8 of them with 48 seconds remaining. I was really lucky this time too! They kept running into my dug holes! I got a gold trophy too!

Friday 21 January 2022

65 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking pictures of shapes turning into a car and a pizza

Dear Readers,

I decided to take two more photographs of red silhouette shapes.

No.34 was very strange. It was a box but it turned into a car! It grew wheels and other things first. I was driving it around before I brought it back.

Telly then said Mr. Curator was looking for me. I went to the exhibition room where I just put the car and he was there. He was so thankful for my work in making his NostalJunk museum and he was able to devote his full time to his book research. He then wondered if it really was enough and he was awake in bed thinking about it. He was looking at some other artifacts too, like really ancient stuff.

No.35, the cone-shaped one multiplied by twelve and formed a circle! It turned into a pizza! I looked at it in the museum and it had a browned pizza bread back. Mr. Curator said people "used" to order these over the phone all the time. Wow... very hard to imagine pizza being a thing of the past...

Thursday 20 January 2022

64 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - not all sushi contains fish!

Dear Readers,

Time for even more freeroaming and free cleaning! Maybe even make some progress.

I went to the desk. Drake asked if he should go out to space to find evil and I said yes. I don't remember if this was the answer I gave last time he asked or not but I said it anyway. I cleaned up a bit then and left.

I went to the garage and Joshy Bear lost one of his dancers again. I guess that's just a thing with him and not a once off. I'll have a look around for them. I cleaned up some and left here too.

In the garden, Drake quizzed me for level 3. He asked if justice was about passion and I said no. He asked if a penny saved was a penny earned and I said yes. He asked if his strongest attack was "Great Twin Lizard" and I took a guess and said yes. I failed. I made another attempt and said no for the strongest attack. Dang. Next time I'll change the answer for the first question. I cleaned up some debris too.

In the kitchen, Madame Clayra wanted a recipe for ham sandwiches. I told the chefs about it and cleaned up in the kitchen.

In the sushi bar, Squid quizzed me on if all sushi contained fish. I said no with confidence! He praised me and said sushi was rice with all kinds of toppings including avocado, cucumber, carrot and so on. I cleaned up around here too and left.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

63 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - smoglings invade the fridge

Dear Readers,

With my new battery, a new job from K&M came in. I did some more jobs for them, Clayra and SGX as well.

K&M's new job for me was to deal with the smoglings that invaded the fridge. They were despairing until I arrived. They wanted me to fight them and catch the pork belly they drop. I tried it and caught one of the smoglings by accident, which immediately made me fail. I wonder if they're vegans protesting?

I decided that wasn't fair so I reloaded the save and tried again to catch the pork bellies they were dropping. I got on much better this time and reached the goal of catching 25 of them. It was tricky the way they were falling though and I missed quite a few too.

K&M then talked about K's complexion and wanted a large red pepper from the fridge. This is the one I mistook for the pepper last time of the same colour but different size. I wonder what the difference is between them? Is one sweet and the other spicy?

SGX had the danger test for me again. This time I got one of them correct! My strategy of counting up to 8 worked at last! There were two other rounds though, some of the boxes were red and I failed both of them. Still, I got one and a bronze trophy! Yay!

I then had enough happy points for new film, so I bought No.35, the cone-shaped one.

With Clayra's Chibi-tots, I only got 2 out of 3 right. Still hard when they have no bow ties.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

62 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking pictures of vending machine, road sign, building, aeroplane and cube

Dear Readers,

I decided to take more photographs of drawings for exhibits.

No. 29 turned out to be a vending machine! I thought it was some kind of weird post box but I guess that's what those machines are. When I took its photo it grew a pair of eyes where the slit was and started talking. It was a lady and she complained about the office dĂ©cor and stuffiness when I brought her back from the past. She found Telly very charming though, so she agreed to be in the museum. Pretty amusing and I was wondering what this one actually was for a while.

I noticed the 3DS makes a camera shutter sound even when you have the sound off and have headphones on. At least in this game. That's pretty weird.

No. 30 turned out to be a road sign! It grew a pole and a stand when I took the picture.

No. 31 sprouted windows and a big sign on top with the Citrusoft logo! It turned out to be a tall building.

No. 32 was the aeroplane shaped one. It was tiring to draw in MS Paint with the mouse so I was glad to get it 100%.

No. 33 was the hexomino shaped one and the first red one. When I took the picture it folded up into a cube! It was in this form I took it back to the future and placed it in the exhibit as a cube.

This filled another exhibit room so now we had 30 exhibits! Another room opened too! Telly asked me to check on Mr. Curator, who was very busy on his manuscript. Telly was glad that he got over the setback with the TV broadcast.

I flew to exhibition room 6 and found Mr. Curator there. He said that writing his book made him deepen his understanding of NostalJunk. He then made lots of cake references in his explanation, which was amusing. He then excused himself, announcing he was going to visit the bakery.

The vending machine wondered how people were going to put money in her if she was behind glass. The description of the road sign was amusing, as if road signs were a thing of the past. What's out there now in this time I wonder? Aeroplanes still exist it seems. In the cube entry, Mr. Curator described many shapes you can make by combining not only squares but triangles.

My visitor tally was now 18,798. For achieving over 15,000, Mr. Curator gave me another new battery. Now I have over 200 Watts to play with!

Monday 17 January 2022

61 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - correct answers to the justice quiz level 2

Dear Readers,

I went freeroaming and cleaning in the five areas. 

SGX at the desk quizzed me again, asking who upgraded Geotron in episode nine. I said it was Professor Boffin and it was correct! Yay! I cleaned around and moved on to the garage.

In the garage Joshy Bear was delighted the dancers were back and asked if I wanted to see their commercial debut. I said yes and he put on a fun dancy show with his four backup dancers. Then he went back to sleep. I was able to watch the dance again anytime by talking to him again.

After this I had enough happy points for a new silhouette film. I printed the boxy one.

I went to the kitchen and collected the scotch egg recipe for clayra from K&M, then brought it to her.

In the garden I counted more dandelions for Laroque. There were 6 this time. I cleaned up more and returned to do Drake's quiz, level 2. This time I said yes to signature pose, no to giving up and yes to yelling a greeting. I passed this time! Yay!

In the sushi bar Squid quizzed me on whether Sushi meant raw fish or not. I said it wasn't. He was impressed and said sushi meant "sour-tasting" because of its origins as a fermented food. I'm glad that's confirmed. I mean, I don't really like fish that much and wouldn't like to eat raw fish either. I do like sushi so I make sure it doesn't have fish in it when I buy some.

I filled a stamp card so I sent it off. I went to an area and it was dirty again. I didn't feel like cleaning anymore so I came back to get the delivery. I also wonder if Squid is the only one who can be found at the sushi bar?

Sunday 16 January 2022

60 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - i made squid get vicious

Dear Readers,

Today I had jobs from K&M, 2 from Drake and one from Squid.

K&M wanted 3 citrus fruits. I brought back an orange, a lemon and a grapefruit. They were delighted.

I tried Drake's smogling attacking job again and this time I made sure to avoid the red ones. I got 23 of them and passed! Yay!

I then did Drake's target shooting again and did well as usual too.

Squid had a harder option to his wasabi shooting job this time. I had to not miss anything or I would fail straight away. I decided to try it out. I didn't do so well this time. I got the 30 required points quickly, but then I shot some fish that had rice stuck to it so I failed immediately. Squid got really angry too! Maybe next time I'll do better.

Saturday 15 January 2022

59 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - exploring the sushi bar

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the new area, Sushi Bar! I went straight here because I thought maybe I could find one of Joshy Bear's dancers.

I found the dancer almost immediately behind a sign stand.

The Sushi Bar was very refreshing to explore after hanging out in the other places for so long. It's made up mostly of a dining booth with access to the conveyor belt. There's a nice aquarium on display and you can tap on the glass to spook the fish haha. The battery is behind the child's booster seat. Squid Vicious is pretty much out of the way and you have to do some climbing and trekking to reach him.

I talked to Squid Vicious and he gave me a quiz. He asked if sushi chefs had to train for ten years before working in a restaurant. I had to look it up and it was true. Yikes. That sounds really extreme. He said I got it correct when I said yes, but noted since the demand for sushi was huge, that wasn't always true nowadays. Very interesting thing to learn.

Friday 14 January 2022

58 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - shooting wasabi at sushi

Dear Readers,

Unlocked a new character, new area and new job! I took it on and checked it out.

I warped to the Sushi Bar and there, on the conveyor belt, dancing with Chibi-tots was the Honourable Mr Squid. He preferred to be called Squid Vicious. He sounded like Popeye with the way he spoke.

Squid Vicious wanted me to shoot wasabi onto plates of food with my chibi blaster. The goal was 150 points.

It was a little weird seeing the fish jump off the sushi in order to be splattered but it was fun enough. It works similar to SEGA's Bank Panic, as in having three different positions to shoot at at a time. You have to select them first though. I ended up earning 237 points but got docked lots for shooting the wrong targets. I got a bronze trophy too! Woo!

I also got some film in the mail from the stamps.

I went on to do the regular jobs. I played hide-and-seek with Madame Clayra's Chibi-tots again with two of them at once and got them all correct.

SGX's jobs I didn't like were next. Not nice to see both of them at once in the to-do list. With the bomb roulette I failed it again. From now on I'm just going to count up to 8 instead of guessing random ones. With the measuring I got 2 out of 3 again.

I had enough happy points so I printed out the hexomino.

Thursday 13 January 2022

57 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - mr. curator gets a book deal!

Dear Readers,

I decided to take more photos with the Silhouette Films for the exhibits. Back to drawing!

No. 23 turned out to be a Nintendo 3DS! That's hilarious. It looked absolutely nothing like its silhouette. It's a big white box shaped 3DS for now.

No. 24 I then copped that it was a Wii Remote. Same white colour and all.

No. 25 didn't work when I took pictures of my actual Game Boy, so I just drew that too.

No. 27 was very clearly a GameCube! I decided to draw it, even though I have one anyway. It was awesome to see the controller ports take form!

No. 28 was the Wii U Game Pad. I decided to draw it as well.

With these five I filled another exhibit room and another one opened up.

Telly started ringing and Mr. Curator came in to answer. He got wonderful news and told us about it. It was a book deal! They wanted Mr. Curator to write a book about NostalJunk!

It was fab news indeed! Telly asked Mr. Curator if he ever wrote a book and he said never, but he was very good at writing. He decided to buy extra tools to do it, even though he had a PC right here along with paper and other pens too. He insisted he was going to buy a fountain pen and use the best tools so he could write from his heart. He really was going to write an entire book by hand...

I took a look at the jobs and there was a new one from a new character in a new area! Woo! Finally. I'll try it out next time.

I went to look at the exhibit I just filled. Mr Curator was there and he told me how the display case reminded him of the cake display case at the bakery. Then he started talking about cakes and the scene trailed off... I guess he likes to ramble!

Mr Curator's commentary on the exhibits was fun too. His imagination went wild when talking about the Wii Remote, calling it sometimes a pointing device and sometimes a sword. That's the kind of thing it was, an imaginative and wonderful marvel! He focused on the GameCube's handle and he was puzzled with how the Wii U Game Pad worked with a bigger screen. A lot of people said the same about it...

I found stamps on the 3DS and Wii U Game Pad, which filled up a card. I sent it off.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

56 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - ninth page added to the silhouette catalog

Dear Readers,

I went wandering and cleaning again.

Drake at the desk asked me again about finding a nemesis. I thought he got over that? I said yes to him going to look for one. Maybe I'll get a different result down the line if I choose different answers.

SGX was at the garage with another trivia question. The episode title of episode 6. I said it was The Hero's Law and it was correct! Yay!

After a bunch of cleaning I had enough happy points to buy the airplane silhouette film.

With that, a brand new page of film opened up in the catalog:

No.33 looked like a Tetris piece that's stairs, except it had six segments, so it was a hexomino. I guess it would be a hextris piece if anything.

No.34 looked like a 3D rectangular box.

No.35 looked like a cone

No.36 looked like a cylinder

All 200 happy points each as well. Yeesh.

Tuesday 11 January 2022

55 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - sous-chef silver trophy

Dear Readers,

Now for more jobs from K&M, Drake and... ugh, SGX.

K&M were talking about wanting to see something that would refresh one's eyes, so they asked me to fetch a green pepper. There were a few greenies in the fridge but only one that looked like a pepper thankfully. I picked it up and they were delighted. I even got a silver trophy! Woo!

SGX had the danger sensing test again. I failed 1st after doing three boxes, 2nd after doing six boxes and 3rd after doing 4 boxes. Six boxes was my record. Can't win at this.

Drake had the target shooting again and I did pretty well, getting over 100 points.

Monday 10 January 2022

54 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - upgraded to 150 watts!

Dear Readers,

With the jobs done, I went on my usual freeroaming rounds.

At the desk, SGX had another quiz for me. He asked me the final mission objective in episode twelve. I said it was to free the earth from pollution and I got it wrong. Aw! I cleaned up and moved on.

At the garage Joshy was still missing the one dancer. I'll have to unlock the new area somehow. Dunno if it's more job trophies or more exhibits or whatever I need to do.

I filled up a stamp card and sent it off.

At the kitchen, Clayra wanted a scotch egg recipe. I cleaned up a bit and left.

The delivery I got was... well I don't know exactly as it doesn't tell you. It's one extra of something probably.

I noticed the visitors fell below 9,000 so I rearranged the exhibits like Telly suggested.

I went to the chefs and asked them for the scotch egg recipe.

On returning, Telly joyfully announced we now had over 11,000 visitors! For reaching over 10,000, Mr Curator gave me a new battery as thanks. I now had over 150 Watts to play with! Hooray! I manage okay but now things will be that much easier!

In the garden, Drake quizzed me further on justice. He asked if every superhero needed a signature pose. I said yes. He asked if justice was sometimes about giving up and I said no. He asked if a true Space Hunter greeted everyone by yelling and I said no. With these answers I failed. I changed the giving up answer to yes for the second attempt, but kept the other answers and I failed again. Oh well. Better luck next time. I cleaned around before heading back.

Sunday 9 January 2022

53 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - won a gold trophy for hide and seek

Dear Readers,

After the new jobs, I had some regular ones to do as well from Clayra, SGX and Laroque.

I was ready for Clayra's Chibi tots this time. I paid full and careful attention to them with and without bow-ties. I managed to get all of them right this time! I was a bit nervous trying to track two of them when they weren't wearing the bow ties.

Afterwards, the Chibi tots said they heard Clayra talking about little monsters but also how they weren't all bad at the end of the day. They wondered if she was talking about furry green monsters, not knowing what was going on. Clayra then called them back to the bus and I got a gold trophy! Woo!

SGX had his distance test again. This time I only failed the second attempt. I got the first and third correct! An improvement! I'm in better form today and I'm glad.

Laroque had the same smogling whacking job for me. I said yes when he asked if I was doing swimmingly. Today I beat them all with 45 seconds left to go.

I now had enough Happy Points to buy No.31, the tall rectangle, whatever it is, so I got it. 

Saturday 8 January 2022

52 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - shooting smoglings in the garden for drake

Dear Readers,

Drake had a new job for me and it was to shoot smoglings in the garden. This is more like it!

This time it was a third person view and I could only shoot in the direction I was facing. I had no other aiming mechanisms. I had to get 20 but I only got 16. Drake was super encouraging though. I like this much more than that icky new game SGX had for me last time.

It'll take some time to practise this one. The smoglings can be hard to hit with the way I can't really aim that well. Occasionally they turn red and charge at me as well. I couldn't tell straight away if they gave more points because they were more dangerous. If not I'll just avoid them and stick with aiming at the regular ones.

Friday 7 January 2022

51 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - why is there a russian roulette mini game in this

Dear Readers,

SGX and Drake had new jobs for me this time!

SGX was at the desk and this new job involved a roulette. He arranged 8 boxes in a circle and told me one of them had a bomb inside, and he wanted me to jump on all the empty ones, so it was literally Russian roulette.

The idea behind this mini-game was that he wanted to test my danger sensing skills. This struck me as appalling! The circle of boxes even resemble that roundy thing you put bullets into in a gun. Why does this guy have such bad luck-based jobs?

There were three rounds. I failed the first after crushing 5 boxes, failed the second after crushing 1 box, failed the third after crushing 4 boxes.

"How did you enjoy my test?" he asked me. I didn't! I took my 1 happy point and left.

Thursday 6 January 2022

50 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - mr. curator's tv appearance

Dear Readers,

Taking some more photos for the exhibits.

No.22 I thought was an eye, but my friend pointed out the other day it was a rugby ball. I wouldn't have guessed that and I don't have one, so I just drew another weird circle like with the sushi.

With this, the 4th exhibition room was now filled and Mr. Curator opened up a fifth one. He was also about to make his TV appearance so I went over to cheer him on.

Mr Curator stood stiff and nervous in front of the TV camera and lights despite his rehearsing for this earlier. He was tripping over his words and the presenter was like a high-voiced anime girl or something. The name of the show was different to what he thought it was and she was commenting on how the exhibits looked cute and colourful, even though I drew many of them in MSPaint on a white background. She also said they looked like desserts.

She asked him what dessert would they be and he looked absolutely haunted. He tripped over more of his words until the presenter butted in and said they looked like cheesecake or chocolate gateau. The show was not going the way he was thinking and he looked like he was going to drop dead. She asked him his favourite cake and he tried to say something about Citrusoft, but she jumped in with more cute anime girl cake talk and "teehee!"s.

Yikes. The show was different to what he was expecting and he was really disappointed. Telly asked me to go to Exhibition Room 4 to console him so I did.

When I got there, he was leaning on the display table with his head down in misery. He felt he messed up and was surprised "Culture Hit TV" was even a real programme. He thought it was "Cultural Merit TV". He was sad about appearing on such a show with its talk about cakes and "teehees". He apologised for getting in my way and went to sit in the corner all curled up. Poor guy.

I found a stamp on the hat. I was surprised the hat and the rugby ball were seen as relics from the past. Imagine them not existing in the future...

Back at the office, the visitor tally was now over 9,000! No joke! Telly advised me to rearrange the exhibits every now and again because after a week or two the visitors would get bored. Yeesh. 

Wednesday 5 January 2022

49 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - physical 3ds game box found in this download only game

Dear Readers,

I continued drawing and taking more pictures for the exhibits.

No.11 turned out to be sushi and I had no idea what the heck it was until it was confirmed. I felt I was cutting out a weirdly shaped block. Now that I know it's sushi I can photograph some real stuff and squish it into the shape the game wants.

No.17 is the ping pong bat. It swished around a bit before I showed up to take it.

No.19 is the hat. Nothing too fancy happened. I just collected it and took it back.

No.21 turned out to be a 3DS game box! Hilarious. This game is download only, yet it has a physical 3DS game box in it. Craziness. I had no idea what it was until I went back to the past and opened it from the inside and recognised its interior fittings. It's funny how they expect us to buy all digital and then put the physical thing inside the game. Nostalgia may be the theme but it's still funny.

I had the idea of using a phone to take a picture of the silhouette, then taking a picture of that picture, but it didn't work so well so I went back to drawing. That 3DS Game box had lines near each other so it wasn't easy, but I still managed to get it 100% accurate. Feels like a compliment to my drawing effort!

Tuesday 4 January 2022

48 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - drawing a socket, milk carton and teabag

Dear Readers,

I decided to take more photos, even though I don't have or know what the shapes are.

No.02 was the box with two dots in it. I drew it out and it took the form of a socket. This is a perfect example of having to resort to drawing the shapes out because we don't have those kinds of sockets in Ireland. When I picked it up I came out from behind it like it was a door.

No.09 was the milk carton and one of the sides opened up like a sliding door when I went back to collect it. Nowadays we rarely have milk at home and when we do it's usually in a bottle.

After these two pictures, Mr Curator came into the office. He was on his way to make a speech at the NostalJunk Society forum. He asked us what we thought of his style as he didn't normally dress up nice. Telly said he looked splendid. He was pleased and thanked us before leaving.

No.10 turned out to be a teabag! It grew a string with the Citrusoft logo on it. I took it back to the future.

With this I filled up the exhibit room and Mr Curator opened another one up. He got a phone call from Telly and he was told he was gonna be on TV! Nice one!

I went to Exhibition Room 3 and looked at the exhibits. Mr Curator was here and he rehearsed being interviewed for TV, pretending to be the interviewer and answering their questions. It was fun to see! He said one of the museum society members was an engineer for Citrusoft. Neat!

The socket had a stamp on the back of it. The milk carton would've been fun to photograph with a local brand. I might buy one sometime.

The visitor count exceeded 6,000, which was nice!

Monday 3 January 2022

47 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - drake realises he's a toy

Dear Readers,

Time for more wandering around, cleaning up random messes as I go.

At the desk, Drake realised he wasn't the real thing, that he was just a limited edition Drakecon special action figure. It made him feel happy to finally realise this because he was now able to stop fretting about going back to space and focus on justice, with me as his partner. What a great outlook on life he has! Able to take on all kinds of challenges :)

The area itself was completely spotless. I did find a stamp at least. No Chibi-tot. I wonder if there's a secret area here I haven't found yet?

At the garage, Joshy Bear snoozed while I vacuumed around him. It was nice and I was glad I wasn't disturbing him. He needed another dancer. I have a feeling I need to unlock a new area in order to find them. I cleaned up and moved on.

At the kitchen, K&M forgot what I wanted so they made three recipes, including the one I wanted. It's up to me to remember from day to day I suppose. I chose the Fluffy Jam Bun recipe. I cleaned up and moved on.

I filled up another card so I sent it away.

I went back to the kitchen to give Madame Clayra the recipe and she was delighted with it.

The prize I got from the card was the airplane photo film. I bought the inverted triangle film.

I went to the garden and Laroque asked me to count the dandelions again. I found 4 for him and he was happy with that.

I went back to the kitchen and Madame Clayra was there, asking if I was wondering why she kept 2 jobs. I said yes and she said she'd save the long story for another time, adding that a lady should have an air of mystery about her.

Sunday 2 January 2022

46 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - slightly better day at work, still bad at measuring

Dear Readers,

Some jobs came in from K&M, Laroque, SGX and Joshy Bear so I went to work.

K&M talked about spicy food and thirst. They asked for an orange. That's it, an orange! I picked it out without any hassle and they took it. It didn't show them slicing or juicing it and it showed the same cutscene where they work the frying pan and shoot their ketchup and mustard, which is pretty funny considering it's just an orange.

SGX had another (ugh) distance test for me. I failed all three attempts, first two by tiny bits and the last one by a huge amount. I hate this one. At least I got 1 happy point for participating.

Laroque had another invasion of smoglings. He asked me again if things were going swimmingly and I said no. He said life had its ups and downs but he still had faith in me. I felt much better after bashing them all with 11 seconds remaining. Still not sure if my answer to his question has any bearing on the job.

Joshy Bear had the same 80% cleaning job. I got 86% and I kinda noticed the brushing takes a lot of energy. Picking up litter is the least energy hungry activity here.

I earned a good bunch of Happy Points but not enough for new film. The newest costs 150 happy points now.

Saturday 1 January 2022

45 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - the correct answers to level 1 of the justice quiz

Dear Readers,

With all the jobs done I went back to freeroaming cleaning.

The robot was at the desk and asked me what was the lowest in episode 14. I said it was the viewing figures and it was correct! Yay! I cleaned up before moving on.

In the garage the robot was available again to talk to and asked me another question. He asked for the title of the first episode and I said it was "Activate! GX!", which was correct! Woo! I cleaned up here and moved on.

I sent away another stamp filled card and asked for a surprise.

I went to the kitchen and vacuumed around the place. Madame Clayra asked for jam buns for a cake sale. Hmm...

I got the film delivery prize from the stamp card. I have no idea what it was but it wasn't new.

I went back to the kitchen to ask the chefs for what Madame Clayra wanted. They asked me to leave to let them think about it.

I went to the garden and Drake let me take his justice quiz again! I failed the first attempt so I had enough information to get the next attempt right. The Japanese one is "Yes", the justice or evil one is "No", and the sense of justice one is "Yes". I passed level one of the justice quiz. Couldn't take any more on the same day. I'll have to come again a different day.

I bought the film of the tall letterbox thing.

I was curious about Drake's trip to space so I went to see him at the desk. He said he forgot how to get there and then had an existential question, wondering if he ever knew how to do it. I told him no, he just forgot and he seemed happy enough. I wonder if that's the correct answer though...