Tuesday 4 January 2022

48 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - drawing a socket, milk carton and teabag

Dear Readers,

I decided to take more photos, even though I don't have or know what the shapes are.

No.02 was the box with two dots in it. I drew it out and it took the form of a socket. This is a perfect example of having to resort to drawing the shapes out because we don't have those kinds of sockets in Ireland. When I picked it up I came out from behind it like it was a door.

No.09 was the milk carton and one of the sides opened up like a sliding door when I went back to collect it. Nowadays we rarely have milk at home and when we do it's usually in a bottle.

After these two pictures, Mr Curator came into the office. He was on his way to make a speech at the NostalJunk Society forum. He asked us what we thought of his style as he didn't normally dress up nice. Telly said he looked splendid. He was pleased and thanked us before leaving.

No.10 turned out to be a teabag! It grew a string with the Citrusoft logo on it. I took it back to the future.

With this I filled up the exhibit room and Mr Curator opened another one up. He got a phone call from Telly and he was told he was gonna be on TV! Nice one!

I went to Exhibition Room 3 and looked at the exhibits. Mr Curator was here and he rehearsed being interviewed for TV, pretending to be the interviewer and answering their questions. It was fun to see! He said one of the museum society members was an engineer for Citrusoft. Neat!

The socket had a stamp on the back of it. The milk carton would've been fun to photograph with a local brand. I might buy one sometime.

The visitor count exceeded 6,000, which was nice!

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