Wednesday 5 January 2022

49 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - physical 3ds game box found in this download only game

Dear Readers,

I continued drawing and taking more pictures for the exhibits.

No.11 turned out to be sushi and I had no idea what the heck it was until it was confirmed. I felt I was cutting out a weirdly shaped block. Now that I know it's sushi I can photograph some real stuff and squish it into the shape the game wants.

No.17 is the ping pong bat. It swished around a bit before I showed up to take it.

No.19 is the hat. Nothing too fancy happened. I just collected it and took it back.

No.21 turned out to be a 3DS game box! Hilarious. This game is download only, yet it has a physical 3DS game box in it. Craziness. I had no idea what it was until I went back to the past and opened it from the inside and recognised its interior fittings. It's funny how they expect us to buy all digital and then put the physical thing inside the game. Nostalgia may be the theme but it's still funny.

I had the idea of using a phone to take a picture of the silhouette, then taking a picture of that picture, but it didn't work so well so I went back to drawing. That 3DS Game box had lines near each other so it wasn't easy, but I still managed to get it 100% accurate. Feels like a compliment to my drawing effort!

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