Saturday 15 January 2022

59 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - exploring the sushi bar

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the new area, Sushi Bar! I went straight here because I thought maybe I could find one of Joshy Bear's dancers.

I found the dancer almost immediately behind a sign stand.

The Sushi Bar was very refreshing to explore after hanging out in the other places for so long. It's made up mostly of a dining booth with access to the conveyor belt. There's a nice aquarium on display and you can tap on the glass to spook the fish haha. The battery is behind the child's booster seat. Squid Vicious is pretty much out of the way and you have to do some climbing and trekking to reach him.

I talked to Squid Vicious and he gave me a quiz. He asked if sushi chefs had to train for ten years before working in a restaurant. I had to look it up and it was true. Yikes. That sounds really extreme. He said I got it correct when I said yes, but noted since the demand for sushi was huge, that wasn't always true nowadays. Very interesting thing to learn.

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