Sunday 9 January 2022

53 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - won a gold trophy for hide and seek

Dear Readers,

After the new jobs, I had some regular ones to do as well from Clayra, SGX and Laroque.

I was ready for Clayra's Chibi tots this time. I paid full and careful attention to them with and without bow-ties. I managed to get all of them right this time! I was a bit nervous trying to track two of them when they weren't wearing the bow ties.

Afterwards, the Chibi tots said they heard Clayra talking about little monsters but also how they weren't all bad at the end of the day. They wondered if she was talking about furry green monsters, not knowing what was going on. Clayra then called them back to the bus and I got a gold trophy! Woo!

SGX had his distance test again. This time I only failed the second attempt. I got the first and third correct! An improvement! I'm in better form today and I'm glad.

Laroque had the same smogling whacking job for me. I said yes when he asked if I was doing swimmingly. Today I beat them all with 45 seconds left to go.

I now had enough Happy Points to buy No.31, the tall rectangle, whatever it is, so I got it. 

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