Tuesday 25 January 2022

69 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - mr. curator's nice new book!

Dear Readers,

I decided to take a photo with what looks like the last film in the catalogue.

No.37 sprouted a face with eyes and a mouth and became another character. It took on a wider circular shape that captured my mouse cursor when I was rubbing out the excess lines, so it looked like it had a square shaped pimple! It complained about bright lights too.

Next I decided to buy copies of the ones that failed and became NostalDuds. I bought No.12(gloves), No.15(shopping bag) and No.18(slipper) before taking pictures of them.

No.12 was indeed the glove and it was pretty tiring to trace out in MSPaint. I got it though and the blips that made it go 100% were satisfying. It also filled the exhibit room! Another exhibit room opened up too!

Mr. Curator came inside and he looked really sad. It was just a ruse though! He perked up and showed his book! He was actually really happy but played with us for a moment! His book had his picture on the cover and it looked really good! He laughed with joy and started talking about how much fun he had writing it. He went into too much detail though and it made Telly and me fall asleep.

I went to visit the newly filled Exhibition Room 7. Mr. Curator was there. He said he was in bed when he thought about the future. When he'll be long gone, what will the world be like? What will the people be like? He then wondered how he could get children to be excited about NostalJunk the way he was when he was a boy.

His idea was a pocket sized NostalJunk Camera that could... take photos of the past and make items appear for real for the museum? Huh? Isn't that what we've been doing all along? He said the technology didn't exist yet but he wanted to work towards it as his raison d'etre. I guess he wanted to make a pocket-sized one that anybody could use, including children.

When I got back to the office, I saw we now had 20,864 visitors. I didn't get a prize for passing 20,000 though?

Also, the new exhibit room has the usual five spaces but I only have two more photos to take? What makes up the other three? So many questions.

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