Thursday 6 January 2022

50 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - mr. curator's tv appearance

Dear Readers,

Taking some more photos for the exhibits.

No.22 I thought was an eye, but my friend pointed out the other day it was a rugby ball. I wouldn't have guessed that and I don't have one, so I just drew another weird circle like with the sushi.

With this, the 4th exhibition room was now filled and Mr. Curator opened up a fifth one. He was also about to make his TV appearance so I went over to cheer him on.

Mr Curator stood stiff and nervous in front of the TV camera and lights despite his rehearsing for this earlier. He was tripping over his words and the presenter was like a high-voiced anime girl or something. The name of the show was different to what he thought it was and she was commenting on how the exhibits looked cute and colourful, even though I drew many of them in MSPaint on a white background. She also said they looked like desserts.

She asked him what dessert would they be and he looked absolutely haunted. He tripped over more of his words until the presenter butted in and said they looked like cheesecake or chocolate gateau. The show was not going the way he was thinking and he looked like he was going to drop dead. She asked him his favourite cake and he tried to say something about Citrusoft, but she jumped in with more cute anime girl cake talk and "teehee!"s.

Yikes. The show was different to what he was expecting and he was really disappointed. Telly asked me to go to Exhibition Room 4 to console him so I did.

When I got there, he was leaning on the display table with his head down in misery. He felt he messed up and was surprised "Culture Hit TV" was even a real programme. He thought it was "Cultural Merit TV". He was sad about appearing on such a show with its talk about cakes and "teehees". He apologised for getting in my way and went to sit in the corner all curled up. Poor guy.

I found a stamp on the hat. I was surprised the hat and the rugby ball were seen as relics from the past. Imagine them not existing in the future...

Back at the office, the visitor tally was now over 9,000! No joke! Telly advised me to rearrange the exhibits every now and again because after a week or two the visitors would get bored. Yeesh. 

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