Wednesday 26 January 2022

70 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - racing against moppi and moppo

Dear Readers,

I had brand new jobs to do! One from a new character named Moppi, a new job from Drake, plus the usual jobs from K&M, Laroque and SGX.

I took on Moppi's job and I warped to a new area, the deck of a sailing ship! Very unexpected! Moppi, a green Gizmo looking gremlin thing drove up to me and said "Mopp!", a think they liked to say a lot. This job was about race car driving! The deck of the ship was laid out like a circuit. The idea of the job was to drive up to the chequered flag at the edge of the ship and stop close to it, like a game of chicken. Moppi simply wanted someone to race with.

The driving itself was just a cut scene and all I had to do was press A to go and B to stop when the time came for it. I failed the first attempt and drove straight off the edge. I won the second attempt.

Just then Moppi's brother, who had yellow fur, challenged me. I won against him as well. His name was Moppo and liked saying "Po!"

That was the competition won. I guess the last brother would appear if I succeeded in all the attempts. Next time I guess!

Also, I wasn't able to explore this new area. Aw... At least it was something new to see.

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