Friday 28 January 2022

72 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - pressing accelerate instead of brake

Dear Readers,

I took on the usual jobs again. This time from SGX, Moppi and Drake.

SGX had the same danger test again, and it was the old one! What gives? I failed all three stages of it.

Moppi's job went the same as last time. I lost the first one but this time it was because I pressed the wrong button to brake! Dang it! I had to sit through the cutscenes as well. Thankfully they're still fun but if I was doing this more often I'd be pretty mad at myself right now. I won the other two rounds. Still haven't met Moppi's second brother.

Drake had more smoglings for me to shoot. It was the basic one this time and I failed! I got 19 out of 20 of them! I still appreciated his message on how justice didn't fail but the evil was too strong.

Not a great day at work... There will be days like this of course though.

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