Monday 3 January 2022

47 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - drake realises he's a toy

Dear Readers,

Time for more wandering around, cleaning up random messes as I go.

At the desk, Drake realised he wasn't the real thing, that he was just a limited edition Drakecon special action figure. It made him feel happy to finally realise this because he was now able to stop fretting about going back to space and focus on justice, with me as his partner. What a great outlook on life he has! Able to take on all kinds of challenges :)

The area itself was completely spotless. I did find a stamp at least. No Chibi-tot. I wonder if there's a secret area here I haven't found yet?

At the garage, Joshy Bear snoozed while I vacuumed around him. It was nice and I was glad I wasn't disturbing him. He needed another dancer. I have a feeling I need to unlock a new area in order to find them. I cleaned up and moved on.

At the kitchen, K&M forgot what I wanted so they made three recipes, including the one I wanted. It's up to me to remember from day to day I suppose. I chose the Fluffy Jam Bun recipe. I cleaned up and moved on.

I filled up another card so I sent it away.

I went back to the kitchen to give Madame Clayra the recipe and she was delighted with it.

The prize I got from the card was the airplane photo film. I bought the inverted triangle film.

I went to the garden and Laroque asked me to count the dandelions again. I found 4 for him and he was happy with that.

I went back to the kitchen and Madame Clayra was there, asking if I was wondering why she kept 2 jobs. I said yes and she said she'd save the long story for another time, adding that a lady should have an air of mystery about her.

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