Monday 17 January 2022

61 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - correct answers to the justice quiz level 2

Dear Readers,

I went freeroaming and cleaning in the five areas. 

SGX at the desk quizzed me again, asking who upgraded Geotron in episode nine. I said it was Professor Boffin and it was correct! Yay! I cleaned around and moved on to the garage.

In the garage Joshy Bear was delighted the dancers were back and asked if I wanted to see their commercial debut. I said yes and he put on a fun dancy show with his four backup dancers. Then he went back to sleep. I was able to watch the dance again anytime by talking to him again.

After this I had enough happy points for a new silhouette film. I printed the boxy one.

I went to the kitchen and collected the scotch egg recipe for clayra from K&M, then brought it to her.

In the garden I counted more dandelions for Laroque. There were 6 this time. I cleaned up more and returned to do Drake's quiz, level 2. This time I said yes to signature pose, no to giving up and yes to yelling a greeting. I passed this time! Yay!

In the sushi bar Squid quizzed me on whether Sushi meant raw fish or not. I said it wasn't. He was impressed and said sushi meant "sour-tasting" because of its origins as a fermented food. I'm glad that's confirmed. I mean, I don't really like fish that much and wouldn't like to eat raw fish either. I do like sushi so I make sure it doesn't have fish in it when I buy some.

I filled a stamp card so I sent it off. I went to an area and it was dirty again. I didn't feel like cleaning anymore so I came back to get the delivery. I also wonder if Squid is the only one who can be found at the sushi bar?

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