Tuesday 18 January 2022

62 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking pictures of vending machine, road sign, building, aeroplane and cube

Dear Readers,

I decided to take more photographs of drawings for exhibits.

No. 29 turned out to be a vending machine! I thought it was some kind of weird post box but I guess that's what those machines are. When I took its photo it grew a pair of eyes where the slit was and started talking. It was a lady and she complained about the office décor and stuffiness when I brought her back from the past. She found Telly very charming though, so she agreed to be in the museum. Pretty amusing and I was wondering what this one actually was for a while.

I noticed the 3DS makes a camera shutter sound even when you have the sound off and have headphones on. At least in this game. That's pretty weird.

No. 30 turned out to be a road sign! It grew a pole and a stand when I took the picture.

No. 31 sprouted windows and a big sign on top with the Citrusoft logo! It turned out to be a tall building.

No. 32 was the aeroplane shaped one. It was tiring to draw in MS Paint with the mouse so I was glad to get it 100%.

No. 33 was the hexomino shaped one and the first red one. When I took the picture it folded up into a cube! It was in this form I took it back to the future and placed it in the exhibit as a cube.

This filled another exhibit room so now we had 30 exhibits! Another room opened too! Telly asked me to check on Mr. Curator, who was very busy on his manuscript. Telly was glad that he got over the setback with the TV broadcast.

I flew to exhibition room 6 and found Mr. Curator there. He said that writing his book made him deepen his understanding of NostalJunk. He then made lots of cake references in his explanation, which was amusing. He then excused himself, announcing he was going to visit the bakery.

The vending machine wondered how people were going to put money in her if she was behind glass. The description of the road sign was amusing, as if road signs were a thing of the past. What's out there now in this time I wonder? Aeroplanes still exist it seems. In the cube entry, Mr. Curator described many shapes you can make by combining not only squares but triangles.

My visitor tally was now 18,798. For achieving over 15,000, Mr. Curator gave me another new battery. Now I have over 200 Watts to play with!

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