Monday 24 January 2022

68 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - fetching italian tricolour ingredients for margherita pizza

Dear Readers,

Today I had jobs from K&M, 2 from Drake and one from SGX.

K&M reminisced on their holiday in Italy and how they got sold in an auction. They wanted me to fetch three ingredients for margherita pizza. I saw more than one type of cheese but I chose the ball of mozzarella. I also picked the tomato and the basil leaf. They were delighted and commented on how the colours made the Italian tricolour! 

Drake's garden smoglings I defeated again. All 25 with a max combo of 14 and 12 seconds remaining. His other job was shooting balloons again. I got roughly the same score as usual. Lots of happy points though.

SGX had the usual awful distance guessing test. failed the first, got the next two right.

After this I bought No.37. I'll take pictures next time.

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