Monday 10 January 2022

54 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - upgraded to 150 watts!

Dear Readers,

With the jobs done, I went on my usual freeroaming rounds.

At the desk, SGX had another quiz for me. He asked me the final mission objective in episode twelve. I said it was to free the earth from pollution and I got it wrong. Aw! I cleaned up and moved on.

At the garage Joshy was still missing the one dancer. I'll have to unlock the new area somehow. Dunno if it's more job trophies or more exhibits or whatever I need to do.

I filled up a stamp card and sent it off.

At the kitchen, Clayra wanted a scotch egg recipe. I cleaned up a bit and left.

The delivery I got was... well I don't know exactly as it doesn't tell you. It's one extra of something probably.

I noticed the visitors fell below 9,000 so I rearranged the exhibits like Telly suggested.

I went to the chefs and asked them for the scotch egg recipe.

On returning, Telly joyfully announced we now had over 11,000 visitors! For reaching over 10,000, Mr Curator gave me a new battery as thanks. I now had over 150 Watts to play with! Hooray! I manage okay but now things will be that much easier!

In the garden, Drake quizzed me further on justice. He asked if every superhero needed a signature pose. I said yes. He asked if justice was sometimes about giving up and I said no. He asked if a true Space Hunter greeted everyone by yelling and I said no. With these answers I failed. I changed the giving up answer to yes for the second attempt, but kept the other answers and I failed again. Oh well. Better luck next time. I cleaned around before heading back.

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