Saturday 22 January 2022

66 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - mr. curator's enormous manuscript

Dear Readers,

I had a brand new danger sense test(bleh) from SGX as well as the usual jobs from K&M, J Bear and Laroque.

SGX's text now had half the number of boxes and I had to smash at least 3 single boxes consecutively. It was a bit confusing to read about but in practice it was easier to understand as every time I smashed a box, that was a round. I succeeded and smashed 5! I even got a bronze trophy! I still hate this test so I was glad to get through it!

When I got back to the office I appeared face to face with a huge pile of papers. It was Mr. Curator's manuscript! He lifted the huge pile and said someone from the publisher was coming to take it. Telly told him to be careful. He looked pretty funny walking out of the office like that.

K&M were talking about the origins of cheese and asked me to fetch some Gorgonzola from the fridge. I didn't know what it looked like exactly, so I looked up a picture. It had these speckledy things in it so I found something that looked like it. They were delighted.

When I got back to the office, Telly was missing again! I found him in the same place next to the printer and his microchip was between the helicopter and the exhibition machine. I revived him. Why does this happen? What's going on? I don't have any explanation.

J Bear had the usual cleaning job for me. However, this time I had 200 Watts to play with! I managed to get everything done 100%! Joshy Bear was delighted and admired every spotless spot! I got a bronze trophy too!

When I got back to the office I had a film delivery from the stamp card promo. So much story stuff happened it took this long to get it!

Laroque had the same smogling bashing job for me. I got 8 of them with 48 seconds remaining. I was really lucky this time too! They kept running into my dug holes! I got a gold trophy too!

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