Saturday 29 January 2022

73 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - taking photos of the canvas bag and the slipper

Dear Readers,

I decided to draw and take pictures using the last two unique catalogue films I had left.

No.15, the shopping bag, was listed as the canvas bag when I uploaded it into the exhibit.

After this, Telly was typing something when Mr. Curator came into the office. Telly had rung him to come in and politely told him that he took the liberty of drawing up an invoice for his book. Telly whispered the amount in his ear and he got excited. He brought up the Galactica Café and talked about buying an entire chocolate gateau from there. Telly was surprised. Mr. Curator said he never had this much money before, so he wasn't sure what to do with it. Telly reminded him about the mortgage on this building and that got Mr. Curator thinking about the bills he had to pay. He laughed in a jolly way, but Telly wasn't so impressed.

No.18, the slipper, actually looked pretty cool as a pure white colour with a jagged edge pattern, even though it was just a line drawn on a blank canvas!

No story scene played out after this. I went to the exhibit room 8. Mr Curator said the canvas bag must've been powerful if it was able to protect the environment, which was pretty amusing. Also, the slipper looked really good and comfy! It doesn't have the back on it though, so if I were to wear it it would be flopping all over the place.

I think I'm pretty much at the endgame now. At this point I'm going to look up if there's anything else, if it's worth getting 100% accuracy in pictures, if it's worth getting the job trophies, doing any more cleaning, if there's any tricks to SGX's really awful guessing games, that kind of thing.

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