Sunday 2 January 2022

46 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - slightly better day at work, still bad at measuring

Dear Readers,

Some jobs came in from K&M, Laroque, SGX and Joshy Bear so I went to work.

K&M talked about spicy food and thirst. They asked for an orange. That's it, an orange! I picked it out without any hassle and they took it. It didn't show them slicing or juicing it and it showed the same cutscene where they work the frying pan and shoot their ketchup and mustard, which is pretty funny considering it's just an orange.

SGX had another (ugh) distance test for me. I failed all three attempts, first two by tiny bits and the last one by a huge amount. I hate this one. At least I got 1 happy point for participating.

Laroque had another invasion of smoglings. He asked me again if things were going swimmingly and I said no. He said life had its ups and downs but he still had faith in me. I felt much better after bashing them all with 11 seconds remaining. Still not sure if my answer to his question has any bearing on the job.

Joshy Bear had the same 80% cleaning job. I got 86% and I kinda noticed the brushing takes a lot of energy. Picking up litter is the least energy hungry activity here.

I earned a good bunch of Happy Points but not enough for new film. The newest costs 150 happy points now.

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