Thursday 5 May 2022

201 zelda breath of the wild - powering up keeha yoog shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to do Geggle's shrine quest and check out the cliffside etchings on Gerudo Highlands.

From Geggle I made my way southwest. I paused to check out some pillars here and came across a Lynel! It spotted me and shot me with some shock arrows! I warped right on out of there!

Change of plan! From Tena Ko'sah Shrine I glided across Tanagar Canyon and headed south towards the Cliffs Of Ruvara when I got to grassland. No Lynels here thankfully, just the regular monsters.

I could make out some structures built into the cliffside so I headed in that direction. I wore my Bokoblin Mask but it only fooled them. I still had to deal with Stalmoblins and Coyotes.

Eventually I saw what looked like an electricity symbol etched into the cliff. I followed it all the way, dodging the odd boulder that was hurtling towards me. It was a steep slope but I was able to get up without having to climb.

I came across some kind of a wind geyser and used it to carry myself even higher up the cliffside. Up and up I went until I came face to face with the electric etchings. There was a shrine mechanism in the centre so I shot it with a shock arrow. It glowed and caused Keeha Yoog Shrine to burst from the ground! Finally found it :)

It was cold so I rushed inside. By getting here I already proved my worth to the monk so I collected the diamond from the chest, the Spirit Orb from the monk and left.

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