Sunday 8 May 2022

204 zelda breath of the wild - piercing heaven's light to reveal the prize

Dear Readers,

I decided to try and solve Kass' ancient song riddle at Gerudo Tower so I warped there. I wasn't sure what to do, but I spotted a shrine mechanism and glided over to it. Then I waited.

I waited for quite a while. To pass the time I reviewed the song. I faced the tower and on the map it showed that I was facing northwest, which seemed to fit the song about "northwest skies" and "the tower's shadow". It was nighttime so I decided to warp away and come back when it was noon. When I got back, the sun was very close to the northwest.

I wasn't sure if I had to wait or not to wait so I could "pierce heaven's light to reveal the prize", so I just drew my bow and pointed at it. Then I heard a sound. I took that as a cue that it was time to shoot, so I fired an arrow at the sun. The mechanism activated and Sasa Kai Shrine burst out of the ground nearby. Woo!

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