Monday 16 May 2022

212 zelda breath of the wild - mountain bucking and rocking around the clock tonight at mezza lo shrine

Dear Readers,

I solved the riddle of Rabia Plain and unlocked the way to doing the "Ancient Trifecta" trial at Mezza Lo Shrine! Woo!

I'm glad I changed my mind about going far away for a Stalhorse! What I did was mount a Mountain Buck and tamed it as much as I could. I had to replenish my stamina a couple of times but I tamed one! I rode it to the pedestal by Kass and got it to stand on it. This made Mezza Lo Shrine burst out from the ground by the big tree on the hill behind Kass. I went in and took on the trial.

This shrine had a mechanism comparable to a clock. Everything was on raised platforms and I could hit a switch to make a pillar move between the four quarter points on this "clock". At one point was the locked cage to the monk and the other points going clockwise were the switch, a metal treasure chest and a pressure switch. I only had access to the point with the switch. I took a few spins of this clock to see what I could and couldn't do.

I got a Thunderblade from the chest and used Magnesis to lay this chest on the pressure switch, which opened the cage to the monk. My plan to get there was this:

I stepped on the moving pillar and laid a square remote bomb by the switch. I moved the metal crate a bit with Magnesis to block the laser and unblock it, making it hit the switch. This moved me 1 quarter clockwise. Then I made the remote bomb explode, moving me another quarter clockwise. Then I used Stasis on the laser shooter, making it stop a moment before shooting the switch again, sending me clockwise another quarter towards the monk. VoilĂ !

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