Sunday 15 May 2022

211 zelda breath of the wild - stuck on a riddle in rabia plain

Dear Readers,

The next area spoken of in Kass' journal entries was Rabia Plain. I warped to Kakariko Village and headed there.

There was a path going east from Great Fairy Cotera's place so I went that way. I solved a little metal block puzzle in the pass for my 59th Korok Seed.

I continued onwards. I met a Yiga disguised as a guy who creepily recounted waking up in the Shrine Of Resurrection. I made short work of him with my Thunderspear. I also saw the dragon Naydra passing overhead. I couldn't climb the cliffs fast enough though.

I walked through the pass into the plains, following a smoke signal. I met a genuine person named Eryck, who was sitting under a tree. He said he was travelling in search of meaning or something. He was going to Zora's Domain. He talked about Rutala River and hearing a voice up on the Lanayru Tower. I'm familiar enough with these areas already :)

Lots of deer and goats in the plains here! Before long I could hear familiar accordion music too. Kass was standing near a shrine pedestal that was all lit up. I chatted with him and he sang the song clue about this place.

From his song it sounded like I had to find and mount a beast that "wears a crown of bone" in this area. It came up as "The Crowned Beast" in the shrine quests.

I started wandering around. I went up to the big tree nearby and found a rock on top of it. 60th Korok Seed underneath.

I tried mounting the many deer around here. None of them had bony crowns and I was just kicked off of them. Antlers didn't seem to have anything to do with it either.

Near the two ponds was a mound with a pinwheel. I shot a couple of balloons for my 61st Korok Seed.

The other pond with the waterfall had a flitting light going around it. 62nd Korok Seed.

I figured the "bone" part meant the Stal creatures that come out at night, so I relit Erych's fire and sat by until night.

While wandering around this area I spotted Rucco Maag shrine to the east. I glided over there in the pouring rain and activated it, taking care of the Blue Lizalfos and navigating the spikes surrounding it. The rain was so bad I couldn't see anything except the gleam of the shrine!

I couldn't for the life of me figure out this riddle. I wandered around this area for hours. At one point I even ran off to beat up some Lizalfos by the river and stole their Ice Arrows. I tried mounting the deer and I also tried taking a Stalkoblin skull and laying it on the pedestal. No dice. I'll have to think of something else.

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