Monday 30 May 2022

226 zelda breath of the wild - defeating stone talus for the first time

Dear Readers,

I was so annoyed at not finding Hearty Bass that I picked a fight with the Stone Talus at Deya Lake. It was the first time I defeated one instead of running away or dying.

I was a lot more capable against this thing than I was last year when I first played this game and died my first death to it. I fought it mainly by immobilising it with bombs and hammering its weak point with my Iron Sledgehammer.

It was a slow process to get enough hits on the creature but at least it couldn't do very much harm to me at all. My armour's a lot stronger now than it was back then so it didn't do much damage to me.

I defeated it though! My first Stone Talus boss defeat :) About time I did this! I got a pile of precious rocks as a prize. This could be a good way of earning money.

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