Wednesday 18 May 2022

214 zelda breath of the wild - navigating stormy lakes at faron to uncover qukah nata shrine

Dear Readers,

The next area to find Kass was at Calora Lake. I still hadn't explored all these lakes in Faron yet. This was a nice chance to check this one out.

I warped to the Lakeside Stable and made my way to Calora Lake. This area was perpetually rainy and stormy so the only way I could get up anywhere was to use the Zora Armour.

I met Farosh along the way and shot off one of its scales. Could come in handy later. Found a chest with Topaz in it too.

While swimming up waterfalls salmon style, I saw a familiar orange glow. Behind the waterfall from Riola Spring was Shoda Sah Shrine! Nice find :) I'll check it out later. Farosh stopped me from climbing up this waterfall at first so I set the warp point at the shrine. Then I climbed up to Riola Spring. I was at the top of all the local lakes now.

I finally made it to Calora Lake without getting electrocuted too many times. Farosh really likes it here! Kass was here, congratulating me on making it here. He said his feathers repelled the rain and that his instrument was designed to withstand extreme moisture. That's a nice thing, and his livelihood depended on it! He played me another song. "A Song Of Storms" came up in shrine quests.

The song was about the big weird looking rock nearby. It mentioned something about the hero summoning the lightning. I laid my Great Thunderblade on top of the rock and climbed back down. Lightning struck it with an almighty crash and shattered the rock completely, revealing Qukah Nata Shrine. Woo!

I went inside, getting nice shelter away from this perpetual, stormy, torrential rain. It was one of those shrines that rewarded me for simply reaching it. Inside the treasure chest were Rubber Tights! Handy :)

When I left the shrine, it wasn't stormy anymore! Wow! Does it mean I won't see Farosh here as easily either? Not sure.

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