Monday 23 May 2022

219 zelda breath of the wild - weird hateno statues and finding more shrines

Dear Readers,

I warped to Hateno to chase down some side and shrine quests. Particularly ones to do with statues.

I interacted with that statue that trades hearts for stamina and vice versa. It was the first time I had done so since doing any upgrading. It took one of my hearts as a demonstration and gave it back when I asked it to. It then told me the full story on the service it offers as well as how much it costs. Maybe I'll use this service someday but not now. I asked for the heart back. Funnily enough, I was still able to wield the Master Sword while that heart was missing :)

I visited Calip again at Fort Hateno. I really wanted to do his shrine quest! The cursed statue he was talking about I finally found, it was in a little wooden grove north of the path just a little east of Fort Hateno. I found him there researching. Thing was... there were several statues here! I guess I just had to find one with an evil light in its eyes.

I found apple statues here too. I gave one an apple for my 66th Korok Seed.

I kept pressing Calip for details but he was cagey as he wanted to publish his research.

I started climbing the west cliff to see if the shrine I was detecting was at a higher altitude. I spotted three boulders and pushed one of them down down the slope. It landed the right way and I got my 67th Korok Seed. I did lots of mining around here too.

I kept climbing up into the Phalian Highlands, following the shrine's signal. I was wondering if it was a different shrine but no it was the same one. I got closer until I got to a big waterfall going down into this really cool looking canyon with lots of ruins. I parachuted down this waterfall and landed on a ledge with a cave. I went inside and there I found Dow Na'eh Shrine! That was what I was detecting all along. It had nothing to do with the statues. I activated it and went back to the site with the statues.

I decided to light a campfire and wait until nighttime. Sure enough, one of the statues had glowing purple eyes. I shot it with an arrow and it burst. Then Kam Urog Shrine burst out from the ground! Woo! One of my longest standing shrine quests was now complete :)

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