Tuesday 10 May 2022

206 zelda breath of the wild - tracking down the dragon farosh to open shae katha shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to track down the dragon Farosh for its scale.

I've seen it in the Faron region, emerging out of Lake Hylia. The only time I shot at it before was with the camera for the Hyrule Compendium, which said that "The dragon ascends to the heavens as the sun begins to set." With this in mind I warped to the Lake Tower at noon and waited.

Sunset came and went and nothing emerged from it. Shucks. I quickly warped to Satori Mountain to see if I could shoot Lord Satori, but it got away again.

OK back to the dragon! Must focus! It seems to disappear when I warp and it seems to like to appear when I glide from the Lake Tower. I don't know if that's how you actually get it to show up but that's the pattern I've observed. Could be a coincidence.

I glided towards Farosh and shot a scale off its back. Then one of its orbs electrocuted me and I lost my bow. Oh well. When I landed I could see the scale gleaming where it landed on the east shore of the lake. There was a boat nearby I could take but I had to find a Korok Leaf first. I chopped down some trees nearby and grabbed one. I took the boat and fanned it all the way to the shore where I collected the scale.

I then headed straight for the Spring Of Courage and offered the scale, which opened up the door to Shae Katha Shrine. I went inside and there wasn't any further trial. The monk gave me the orb.

#303 Thunderspear

This was in the chest at the shrine.

#269 Dragonbone Boko Bat

I also came across this one evening when facing a Stalkoblin.

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