Thursday 19 May 2022

215 zelda breath of the wild - ball-launching game at shoda sah shrine for prizes

Dear Readers,

I decided to take on the "Impeccable Timing" trial at Shoda Sah Shrine.

On entering I had five balls lined up in front of me. I had to use them to place in the two launchers and hit the switches to make them launch into the bowls across the water. The bowls would then launch treasure chests back to me.

The bowl on the right side was easy enough to reach. It was just moving slowly from side to side. No major obstacles. Got 5 Ice Arrows in the treasure chest.

The bowl on the left side however, was trickier. It had two moving square panels in the way and I had to time the ball launch just right. I messed up the first one and it took ages swimming the ball back over to the launcher. I used Stasis on one of the panels and that made them more manageable. I launched the ball while they were both at their highest point. Got a small key in the chest here.

The long corridor in the centre lead all the way to a locked door where I used the key. The monk was beyond here.

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