Sunday 22 May 2022

218 zelda breath of the wild - a major battle at chaas qeta shrine and my first set bonus!

Dear Readers,

I warped back to Tenoko Island and took on the major test of strength at Chaas Qeta Shrine. Haven't seen a major one in a while! I got ready...

Versus Guardian Scout IV. It had 3,000 HP and used a spear, sword and a battle axe.

I had to reload a few times. I keep pressing the left analogue stick by accident and crouching! Ah well. Its battle axe did a number on me as well. Yeesh. I attacked with my Guardian Sword, Flamespear and finished it off with the Master Sword as it was charging up its super laser move. I also stunned it with my Thunderblade whenever it tried to do that sweeping laser thing.

I eventually beat it and it dropped a Guardian Sword++, Ancient Battle Axe++, Guardian Spear++ and a bunch of mechanical bits and pieces. I took all but the spear.

In the chest was Climbing Gear! :D very very nice! I now have the full set! Woohoo! It says it has "no-slip" gloves. Does that mean I can climb in the rain? I can't wait to find out!

I warped back to Kakariko to go see Great Fairy Cotera and enhance my new gear. I was short a Hightail Lizard but luckily they were native to this area, so I honed my sensor on them.

I upgraded as much as I could and got a set bonus for wearing my full Climbing Gear set. The set bonus was called "Climbing Jump Stamina Up" and it plays a little chime when I put on the full set, which is pretty cool. :)

I'm glad I have the full climbing set now. It's the one set I really wanted to complete!

Shortly afterwards I tried climbing in the rain. Same slip story :( ah well.

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