Thursday 30 April 2020

192 undertale - why mettaton should die

Dear Readers,

I went in to the MTT Resort Hotel and had a look around before moving on. The music was slowed down and it was very much dead.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

191 undertale - stealing bratty and catty's stuff

Dear Readers,

After I killed Muffet, I proceeded on to the next part of the area. All was quiet without Mettaton or the Royal Guard or anyone else. I was able to walk clear across the stage without any hassle.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

190 undertale - murdering muffet

Dear Readers,

The only elevator I could take led to Muffet's bake sale. No force field there. The puzzles in this area were already finished like the other ones, so I went straight on through to her lair.

Monday 27 April 2020

189 undertale - extinguishing enemies in hotland

Dear Readers,

After Mettaton told me about Alphys' emergency evacuation plan, I went through the lab and out the other side to hunt down the monsters here.

Sunday 26 April 2020

188 undertale - the evacuation plan

Dear Readers,

Having arrived in Hotland, the only place to go to was in to the Lab. It said "It's me, Rocket." when I checked the monitor. Alphys was watching alright. Also, is my character admitting that I'm the first human?

Saturday 25 April 2020

187 undertale - goodbye waterfall

Dear Readers,

It was dead silent after I killed Undyne, but the running of water soon started again in Waterfall. I walked on.

Friday 24 April 2020

186 undertale - undyne the undying's undoing

Dear Readers,

I was still trying to suss out a plan to defeat Undyne the Undying. So far I had mapped out everything up until the second time she turned me red. I'll write out the strategy again so far and further strategies I came up with to defeat her. After taking a break, I was much better able to manage myself with her patterns!

Thursday 23 April 2020

185 undertale - trying to fight undyne the undying without dying

Dear Readers,

I stood face to face with Undyne the Undying. The light that filled her body shone out through her bare eye socket. She wasn't gonna let me kill anybody else without a fight.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

184 undertale - monster kid stands up to me

Dear Readers,

I walked across the bridge until I heard a "Yo!" behind me. It was the Monster Kid. They said Undyne told them to stay away from me.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

183 undertale - i don't want to kill temmies :(

 Dear Readers,

The next encounter I had in this depressing run was with a Temmie and I had to kill it. It died in one hit too. This is so sad :(

Monday 20 April 2020

182 undertale - gerson hates me now

Dear Readers,

I reached Undyne's house and it looked angry. I'm trying to remember if it was angry on the pacifist playthrough as well. No one was here so I went to Napstablook's.

Sunday 19 April 2020

181 undertale - glad dummy almost ruined my run!

Dear Readers,

I continued wading through Waterfall, the sadness in the air feeling very heavy. I got on a raft to the next section where Undyne chased me with spears.

Saturday 18 April 2020

Friday 17 April 2020

Wednesday 15 April 2020

177 undertale - papyrus doesn't waste his final puzzle on me

Dear Readers,

Those weird dog snow sculptures were nowhere to be seen this time. Was it because of me or...?

I took the path that led to the locked Snowdin door.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

176 undertale - stomping through more of papyrus' puzzles

Dear Readers,

I continued through Snowdin Forest until I came across the word search puzzle. I checked it out.

Monday 13 April 2020

Sunday 12 April 2020

174 undertale - i'm a human!... by process of elimination

Dear Readers,

I continued through this sad, version of Snowdin. I found a Tough Glove in the box, so I took it and equipped it. Up ahead were Sans and Papyrus.

Saturday 11 April 2020

173 undertale - sans asks me to pretend

Dear Readers,

I left the ruins and headed straight on for Sans' dramatic entrance. It was no different than when I was playing peacefully and it brought the mood back up when he did his whoopee cushion in the hand trick!

Friday 10 April 2020

172 undertale - reloading to ruin the ruins completely

Dear Readers,

It turns out that there were more monsters to defeat in the Ruins, so I had to reload my save as I couldn't go back there. Gah.

Thursday 9 April 2020

171 undertale - tearing through toriel

Dear Readers,

I went into Toriel's house where she surprised me with butterscotch-cinnamon pie. She invited me to live with her.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

170 undertale - fighting and eating monsters in the ruins

Dear Readers,

On choosing "True Reset" after completing true pacifist, I had to name my character again. Again, I chose "Rocket"

I started on the flower patch, same as last time. I started my journey, same as last time too.

Except this time, I'm doing the "genocide" route. Will I have the heart to do this after making such nice friends last time? Let's see...

Tuesday 7 April 2020

169 undertale - a nice message from flowey about my powers

Dear Readers,

After achieving the true pacifist ending, I turned the game off to play another time. When I turned the game back on, Flowey appeared on screen with a simple "Hi." No intro or title screen or anything!

Monday 6 April 2020

168 undertale - the true pacifist ending at last!

Dear Readers,

My main friends didn't have anything extra to say, so I continued to where the barrier was and went through the door.

I was prompted that if I left here, my adventure would really be over and my friends would follow me out of the underground. I said "I'm ready"

Sunday 5 April 2020

167 undertale - Mad Mew Mew at Undyne's House

 Dear Readers,

I started making my way to the barrier. I stopped by Undyne's house though and Mad Mew Mew was here now instead of the dummy!

Saturday 4 April 2020

166 undertale - mad mew mew battle!

Dear Readers,

The Mad Mew Mew Doll challenged me to a battle! I gather this was the Mad Dummy from earlier, only with a new body. Some nice original stuff here exclusive to the Switch version of the game!

Friday 3 April 2020

Thursday 2 April 2020

164 undertale - chatting with asriel one last time

Dear Readers,

I continued going back and back, until I left the Ruins, Toriel's House and back to the place I had fallen at the start of the game. There, next to the flower patch, was Asriel!

Wednesday 1 April 2020

163 undertale - back to the ruins!

Dear Readers,

The Ruins were finally open again, so I went back there and had a look around, chatting with old monsters and thinking about old times.