Monday 6 April 2020

168 undertale - the true pacifist ending at last!

Dear Readers,

My main friends didn't have anything extra to say, so I continued to where the barrier was and went through the door.

I was prompted that if I left here, my adventure would really be over and my friends would follow me out of the underground. I said "I'm ready"

My friends and I left the underground and stood at the edge of the mountain, gazing at the sun in the distance. There was a big castle in the distance too.

Everyone was gobsmacked at how beautiful the outside world was. Alphys said it was even better than on TV.  Undyne said she felt so alive with this and was amazed I lived with it! Papyrus asked what that giant ball was. Sans said it was "the sun". Papyrus couldn't believe he was finally meeting the sun!

Asgore said he could stand here and watch this for hours. Toriel agreed it was beautiful, but also said we should really think about what comes next. Asgore told everyone this was the beginning of a bright new future, an era of peace between humans and monsters. He asked me would I act as their ambassador to the humans. I said yes!

Papyrus said I would be the best ambassador and he would be the best mascot! He said he'll go make a good first impression! Then he left, walking quickly to the right.

Sans said someone had to keep him from getting into trouble, so he said see you guys and left, leaving in a completely different direction. Haha :)

Undyne complained about having to do everything and ran after Papyrus. Alphys called out to her to wait up and followed her.

Asgore wondered if he should do something. Toriel gave him an unimpressed sideways glance. He said well, gotta go! and left quickly to the right, after the others.

That left Toriel and me. She said it seemed everyone was quite eager to set off. She turned to me and asked if I had a place to return to and what did I want to do now. I had the choice between staying with her and telling her I had places to go. I told her "I want to stay with you" because I do :)

She blushed slightly and said I really was a funny child and that if I had said that earlier, none of this would have happened. True, but we're free now!

She said it was a good thing I took so long to change my mind and laughed a little. She said if I really didn't have any other place to go, she would do her best to take care of me, for as long as I needed. Yay! :)

She took my hand and said everyone was waiting for us. We walked off to the right, after the others.

The cast of characters started rolling! It showed the monsters of the Ruins, some yellow, some white... not sure why. Napstablook had his hat on :)

A scene came up with Papyrus driving a big red car down a highway! Just like his bed! Sans came up from behind and overtook him on a scooter!

More monsters then another scene. Alphys was sitting by the beach playing with her phone or handheld console. Undyne snuck up from the side and gave her a kiss, which made her go all read and say 9999, before keeling over! Undyne laughed and smacked the pavement, making big cracks in it.

The next scene was in a theatre with Mettaton on stage. Burger Clerk and Napstablook were there too! In the audience were Mad Mew Mew, Temmie and a couple of others.

More monsters. I think the ones in white I didn't even encounter...

The next scene had Asgore trimming a hedge while wearing a summery shirt! He's just a nice dad now :) The monster kid appeared and ran up the path, which lead to a school with Toriel standing next to it! Aw nice! Looks like they'll stay in touch at least and cooperate. 

The next shot was of Mount Ebbot, before it turned into the prologue colours and the words "THE END" slowly appeared from below...

...Suddenly this was interrupted by some static and... Asriel appeared in his boss form! He floated there, laughing, saying did I really think it was OVER?! Just then he flashed and became his cuddly normal self, saying we didn't even do the special thanks yet! He asked if I was ready before saying let's end all of this for good!

My soul appeared and I had to deal with the special thanks credits zooming by! I didn't know if I had to avoid them or not but I touched a good few of them, turning them yellow. The touched ones displayed after that, almost filling the screen. Nice touch! Kind of like Super Monkey Ball or Smash Bros. credits. Not sure what I had to do there, if anything!

After this, there was a scene that looked almost exactly like Ness' bedroom in EarthBound! I was asleep in bed. The door then opened, and Toriel came in with a slice of pie :) She left the plate on the floor, then left the room, closing the door again.

"UNDERTALE" then appeared on screen, along with the words "THE END". The little white dog walked on to the screen after a while and stood underneath them. Soon, it went to sleep underneath them.

Now I'm planning to do a genocide run. Will I have the heart to do it though? 

This is a nice ending and it shows everyone having a future and thriving in the overworld.

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