Saturday 4 April 2020

166 undertale - mad mew mew battle!

Dear Readers,

The Mad Mew Mew Doll challenged me to a battle! I gather this was the Mad Dummy from earlier, only with a new body. Some nice original stuff here exclusive to the Switch version of the game!
My soul became a heart with blue on the left side and red on the right. I could move the different parts with the different corresponding analogue sticks. My Joy-Cons are the dark grey ones from launch day, so I couldn't follow based on colour.

The Mad Mew Mew Doll called for COMBAT! BLOODLUST!! DESTRUCTION!!! It looked directly at me in its cute angry way, saying it was the perfect emotional cocktail to fuse with its new body, finishing with a mew and a winking face. With its new ability, it said this battle was going to be truly interesting!

She sent round projectiles at me and I had to split my soul to avoid them. It was laid out in three slots and I had to get away from the middle slot. I checked and her attack went up to 45 and her defence became ?? It became Mew Mew 2: Mew Mew's P*&S53d Off and Ready to Mew!

She asked if I was wondering where she got this body before being defiant and yelling wouldn't I like to know before laughing maniacally. then she went sweet and said she'd tell me before attacking me again.

A pre-recorded, peppy voice squawked out of her torso. I tried talking to her but she didn't seem much for conversation, or at least letting me talk. She said she found the body in a strange place, a sciencey place. Alphys' Lab of course! Dunno if it was the True Lab or not.

Her next attack had red and blue colours on them. I had to match the colours in order to pass safely through them. This was becoming like Ikaruga!

She said she didn't know why the body was there, but as soon as she saw this body, she knew it was her! All her!

She attacked again before saying she took it and that I couldn't blame her. She wondered aloud why a scientist would need a girl statue anyway.

She said she probably saved it from experiments so she was a HERO and she was rescuing HERSELF!

It was starting to smell like perfume and nerds. She said with this new body, she had a brand new life ahead of her. Her next attack she dived from side to side, shooting fireballs at me.

She mewed madly and happily. She said she was finally able to... and thought about it for a moment before saying she'd continue being Undyne's Training Dummy, but BETTER!

The attacks were now starting to come horizontally as well as vertically. I gained two more spots where I could try and avoid attacks.

She considered ska dancing but the music wasn't nearly appropriate enough. She was really looking forward to seeing the look on Undyne's face the next time they met.

The attacks from the two directions became colour coded! I had to do some quick thinking! It was like if that joystick utility on Windows became a game!

She happily said Undyne would blast her with spears and she'd become the world's greatest pin cushion!

She read the look on my face and a shadow came over her eyes. She frowned as she said Undyne found somebody else?

She thought about it for a moment and yelled if Undyne really had found somebody else she would RESPECT THEIR RELATIONSHIP! She yelled other sentiments like this as she shot more fireballs at me.

She complained, saying why hadn't she fused yet? Did she have to use her FULL POWER?

She attacked some more before the music stopped and she yelled ENOUGH! She said no matter how hard she tried, no matter how much she fought, she just couldn't fuse with this body!

It seemed like she might listen to me at this stage, so I tried talking again. I told her that anger might not be the only way. She was like huh? That she had to try other emotions? Something like love?

She then told me to go ahead! Show her what love was! Or more specifically, LOVE as Sans put it.

I tried talking again, but it was hard to put my LOVE into words. She continued asking me to show her what it was so I showed my Level Of ViolencE by sparing her.

After the battle she was taken aback at such kindness and said it was making her feel something. She said it may take a while before she could truly fuse with this body, but she thought it was a start! She said that even though she hid here to be alone, she made a friend!

She said THANK YOU! many times before going up into the air and out of the room. Fun boss! I got on better this time as she only hit me once.

I'm not sure what would have happened if I had fought and defeated her. I was already in the epilogue of the pacifist playthrough. Would that interfere with it? I imagine that it wouldn't, since the body was just a dummy like before. It's just weird because it's a battle that happens after battling should be over and done with.

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