Sunday 19 April 2020

181 undertale - glad dummy almost ruined my run!

Dear Readers,

I continued wading through Waterfall, the sadness in the air feeling very heavy. I got on a raft to the next section where Undyne chased me with spears.

This was a break in the heavy sadness. When she grabbed Monster Kid in the long grass instead of me, it was fun to see them be so excited about it. Other than that, it was back to that heavy sadness with the theme that played here.

The little bird that liked to fly me across the gap was here, but on the other side of the gap.

Further on I found more silent echo flowers and ballet shoes, which I equipped.

I fought more monsters like Moldsmal, laying them to waste. The ballet shoes allowed me to make three timed hits.

I reached the place where I normally met Onion-San. They weren't here at all! It was just one dark blue void :(

I also met Shyren. I defeated her with one attack.

I did the piano puzzle again and got dog residue.

I then joined up with Monster Kid, walked through rainy areas with an umbrella and listened to their chatter as we walked. I appreciated the company to be honest.

Then I had to climb on their shoulders to reach a ledge. They told me to try being a little less rough.

I continued ahead without them and Undyne chased me again with spears coming up from underfoot.

Eventually, she cornered me and cut the bridge away, making me fall into the garbage dump.

In the dump I found a donation box. I donated 1G in there. It didn't seem to do anything special though.

I punched the dummy before moving on and it came to life, confronting me. It said their cousin possessed a dummy as well before it was defeated by me and its neighbours were gone too. It turned red with rage and then it became smiley.

The dummy told me that because of that emotion, it fused completely with its body. It was very happy with me! The battle screen came up. I checked it a few times and it wandered away of its own volition! Then the save point acted like I wasn't on the genocide path anymore! I had to reload my save!

I turned the Glad Dummy to a dust dummy. I was back on the genocide path again! Whew!

That was kinda weird. Apparently it's quite a challenge to be evil and stay evil.

I checked for the bird that likes to fly me across the gap now that I was on the other side. It wasn't there anymore.

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