Wednesday 15 April 2020

177 undertale - papyrus doesn't waste his final puzzle on me

Dear Readers,

Those weird dog snow sculptures were nowhere to be seen this time. Was it because of me or...?

I took the path that led to the locked Snowdin door.
It was still locked. I defeated a Gyftrot.

After this I continued to fight Greater Dog. Again, I gained this dog's trust by playing and petting before going in for the kill. I had to attack twice but I got it.

After this, I crossed the long bridge. Papyrus and Sans were at the end of it. Papyrus announced his gauntlet of deadly terror but it wasn't activating. Papyrus then said I was probably going to walk through it like I did with all his other puzzles and it wouldn't be any fun at all.

Sans then said this human thing was a bust, huh. Papyrus said he was excited to capture me but was disappointed I wasn't being willfully bamboozled by his puzzles. He said maybe Sans was right about puzzles. Sans then said really? Right about something? Papyrus then snapped out of it and said Sans was still completely wrong and that Papyrus just had the wrong audience! Undyne would be a much better fit for this violent scenario. He said he wouldn't waste the puzzle on me, but instead appreciate the friend he already had! He then walked away. Always seeing the bright side...

Sans was still here and said they didn't need my help to have a good time after all. He also said that it seemed like I was gonna fight his brother pretty soon. He offered some friendly advice: If I kept going the way I was now, I was gonna have a bad time. As he said that last part, his eyes went completely black and the music stopped. The screen then flashed black before he vanished. Yikes!

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