Tuesday 7 April 2020

169 undertale - a nice message from flowey about my powers

Dear Readers,

After achieving the true pacifist ending, I turned the game off to play another time. When I turned the game back on, Flowey appeared on screen with a simple "Hi." No intro or title screen or anything!

He said it seemed as if everyone was perfectly happy. Monsters returned to the surface and peace and prosperity would rule across this land. He told me to take a deep breath. There was nothing left to worry about!

He then said there was one threat left, one being with the power to erase everything. To erase everything everyone had worked so hard for. He asked me if I knew who he was talking about and yes, it was ME.

He said I still had the power to reset everything. Toriel, Sans, Asgore, Alphys, Papyrus, Undyne... if I so chose I could get everyone ripped from this timeline and sent back before all of this ever happened. Nobody would remember anything and I could do whatever I wanted.

He said he knew that power. He asked me if that was the power I was fighting to stop, the power he himself wanted to use.

He said if he had that power he didn't think he could do it all again, not after "that", whatever "that" was. He then said to please just let them go, looking quite sad... He said to let Frisk be happy and let Frisk live their life.

He then paused and said if he couldn't change my mind, if I DID end up erasing everything, I had to erase his memories too. He then said he was sorry and asked me if I had probably heard this a hundred times already. He then said goodbye, calling me Rocket, which, over the course of the last game became the name of the first human to fall down. Interesting how it's my name again...

Flowey seemed compassionate and nice this time. Just like Asriel, and for the first time, I could see the resemblance.

The save load screen no longer had my friends standing around. It was all empty. I had a new option called "True Reset". I tried continue, but that brought me to the last save point I used before leaving the underground.

I went back to the save loader screen. The echoey quiet sound here was quite nice. I chose True Reset.

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