Tuesday 28 April 2020

190 undertale - murdering muffet

Dear Readers,

The only elevator I could take led to Muffet's bake sale. No force field there. The puzzles in this area were already finished like the other ones, so I went straight on through to her lair.

Some chattery rumours about me among the spiders included me hating everybody and tasting bad. Muffet then appeared with the other spiders and said rotten ingredients could always be discarded. She chortled before the battle with her began.

I was able to do that thing where I ate a spider doughnut and she took mercy on me, sparing me. The telegram from the Ruins came and said even though I was a hyper violent murderer, I never laid any finger on a spider. I was then able to kill her with one hit.

She disintegrated very quickly with a creepy chortle. It seemed unceremonious, but a little spider then appeared on screen with a flower and laid it there where she died. Aw!

I decided to reload my save to see if she had any other dialogue. I gave her a weak attack and she started talking.

There was a lot of cool battle mechanics with her, including her turning me purple and stuff and avoiding spiders, changing lines like on a slot racing track. I never really bothered with it. The little spiders showing the next attack was super cute as well. The pet trying to eat me was kinda cool too. Messages about the spiders having a good time dancing to the music was great as well :)

The extra dialogue she had was about Alphys warning them and wanting them to escape with her. She said Alphys left an escape route and that she was going to block off the rest of Hotland. She mocked Alphys, saying a spider never leaves her web, except to sell pastries, though she regrets not wrapping her up while she had the chance and making her into a doughnut.

Eventually she got the telegram from the spiders in the Ruins anyway! She spared me but I had to kill her for the run, so I did.

Again, the little spider coming onto the battle screen to lay a flower for Muffet was so sweet :)

I didn't feel so bad about doing this, since she was always making these threats to eat me. I think monster girls are super cool and she is, but she isn't as involved in the story as the other boss characters are.

From what she said about Alphys, it sounded like it was thanks to her that Alphys didn't block off this area with a force field too.

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