Monday 13 April 2020

175 undertale - making papyrus too depressed for puzzles

Dear Readers,

I came across Doggo next. The tutorial for not moving in battle followed.
I pet Doggo first until I got his name yellow, then I attacked him. He died quickly with a squeak.

Next was the Snowman. I took a piece.

I also defeated an Ice Cap easily with one hit thanks to the Tough Glove.

Up ahead were Sans and Papyrus again and the interaction was very different this time. Papyrus was announcing his "shocking" puzzle when my character walked into the centre of it all by themselves, as if to mock him. Papyrus started sweating. He was stuck for words until he said I must have culture shock. He said that where he came from, it was a tradition to suffer through horrible puzzles for no reason. He told me to walk back, but my character stepped forward more instead, standing right in front of him.

Papyrus got all quiet and sighed. He said why couldn't they get a human that liked puzzles? He then gave up and walked off to the right.

I remember finding this very "shocking" indeed when I saw this scene in Let's Plays. It was like he was too depressed to even try challenging me with a puzzle. That bothered me a lot, because I love Papyrus' upbeat personality, and here he was, all depressed.

Sans was still here, grinning. He told me it would make his brother happy if I played along.

I didn't move my character though! They moved all on their own!

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