Sunday 12 April 2020

174 undertale - i'm a human!... by process of elimination

Dear Readers,

I continued through this sad, version of Snowdin. I found a Tough Glove in the box, so I took it and equipped it. Up ahead were Sans and Papyrus.
Papyrus asked when the human was showing up. They did that funny routine where a rock became the subject. What was noteworthy was that Papyrus didn't recognise me as a human but rather found through process of elimination that I was a human.

He gave his speech and told me to prepare myself for puzzles, hi jinks, low jinks and refreshments if I dared! He then walked off. Sans then said to me I didn't bat an eyelid and walked on with him.

Wow... Papyrus is his usual fun self but I can definitely see that they both have less enthusiasm than they did last time.

I fought a Snowdrake and got used to the Tough Glove. I had to keep tapping A to get more hits in.

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