Friday 24 April 2020

186 undertale - undyne the undying's undoing

Dear Readers,

I was still trying to suss out a plan to defeat Undyne the Undying. So far I had mapped out everything up until the second time she turned me red. I'll write out the strategy again so far and further strategies I came up with to defeat her. After taking a break, I was much better able to manage myself with her patterns!
The first attack started with slow arrows, then got quicker with arrows in multiple directions. Just had to be ready for the quicker ones.

Next was fast arrows from the left and right. Just had to be quick with the opposite ends of the D-Pad on that one.

Next one really throws me off. All slow arrows but lots of them. The ones that glow red were the next to make an impact. Had to be ready to switch directions for the red ones.

Next were the spears from multiple directions I had to avoid while red. Analogue stick time for that and lots of dodging and weaving.

Next were the three spears from below while red. Just had to keep an eye on what was coming and what wasn't and dodge accordingly. Surprisingly tricky and easy to trip up here.

Green again next. This was where the red arrows betrayed me. Fast from the left and right but slow from above and below. Just had to be ready for them all!

Next was the raining of arrows, then one from the side, followed by another rain of arrows, followed by one from the opposite side. Have to be ready to point the shield in every direction they were coming from.

Next were the yellow opposite arrows. Hard to get used to and hard to even reach this point! The ordinary arrows came from above and left. Then, the yellows come from the same directions but I had to turn the shield right and down to block them.

Red again. Spears came from all directions at once closing in on me so I had to slip past them when they stopped spinning as well. Two turns of that before going green again.

Now for new stuff... Very hard getting this far and sussing out the following ones.

Green again. Mixture of regular arrows and yellow arrows. didn't suss the first one yet. It's hard to! They come from all four directions and so fast!

Another mixture of regular and yellow. Sides are regular and above/below is one of each. Pattern is two from each side, then regular coming from above/below, keeping the same direction for yellow, then repeat, switching above/below.

Next one is very sussable. Just block a regular and a yellow immediately follows, so turn to the opposite direction for the yellow.

Next is extremely slow moving regular arrows. More or less like the slow ones from before.

Red again and this one is crazy! Spears going toward the centre... and out the other side! I made it a point to flee as far from the shifting centre as much as I could!

Next, spears act like they did during the second red pattern but faster.

Next, spears act like they did during the first attack of the first red pattern, but faster.

Next, spears act like they did during the second attack of the first red pattern, but faster.

After all my strategic planning, after so many attempts, I finally, FINALLY defeated her. I had to use healing items as well. It was pretty darn tough but I finally killed her...

Undyne shook as her expression fell once again. She said even THAT power wasn't enough.

Then she smiled and laughed and grinned. She said if I thought she was gonna give up hope, I was wrong. She said she had her friends behind her.

She said that Alphys told her that she would watch her fight me and if anything went wrong, she would evacuate everyone. She said by now, Alphys had called Asgore and told him to absorb the 6 human souls they had.

Undyne was getting weaker and... she was starting to melt. She said with that power, this world would live on!

Undyne grinned one last time before melting away completely.

It was back to me on the bridge. Everything was dead silent. I used my bandage and snowman piece in that fight. Still had my pie and spider stuff though. I'll have to stock up.

I do love Undyne's passionate anime swordswoman-inspired dialogue but wow she was tough to deal with. No running away this time. I had to fight her to the death.

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